#22: Over Breakfast

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"So what's the plan, exactly?" Vanessa asked as she and Merlyn walked through the airport. "Do we head out now?"

"It's like three in the morning," Merlyn grumbled, looking at his watch.

"We're in Alaska," Vanessa corrected. "It's actually only like 11.30."

Merlyn rolled his eyes. "I'm tired, is my point."

"So, we'll get a hotel?"

"Yeah, I think so," Merlyn said.

The two of them made their way to a small unisex bathroom. Merlyn walked in, did the Chant of Akadi, and opened the door so that Vanessa could walk through. Quickly repeating the process, he walked through, standing outside of a gas station.

"It's cold," Vanessa growled at him.

"It's Alaska, it's what they're kind of known for," Merlyn chuckled.

"I just assumed Alaska was just snowy, I didn't think it'd be so cold," Vanessa said. "Where even are we?"

"This is a petrol station," Merlyn said. "Across the street is a hotel."

"A petrol station, huh?" Vanessa said with a sly smile. "Very British."

The two of them crossed the street to the motel, where Merlyn was able to conduct a quick, smiley chat with the manager to secure them a room. As they walked down a thick-carpeted hallway, Merlyn stopped them and they entered Room 126. Inside the hotel room, it was rather basic; two depressed looking mattresses, a television that was at least fifteen years old, and a nightstand that had clearly seen better days.

"This is gorgeous," Vanessa said.

Rolling his eyes, Merlyn put his suitcase in front of one of the beds. "I'm going to shower and prepare for bed."

"Alright," Vanessa said. "I'm going to, I don't know. Order takeout? Do they have that here?"

"At this hotel?"

"In this state."

Merlyn sighed. "I thought it was a serious question, but no. Everything's a joke with you."

With that, Merlyn disappeared into the bathroom. Vanessa turned on the television and began to flip through until she finally landed on SpongeBob SquarePants. As the episode played, she took out her phone and began to scroll through various social media apps before getting bored and tossing the phone onto the nightstand. Changing from her dress pants and blouse into a far more comfortable pair of basketball shorts and a frumpy sweater, she threw her blankets over herself and quickly fell asleep.

Getting out of the shower, Merlyn stood in the bathroom in nothing but a towel for a moment, allowing himself to bask in the steam that remained. Taking a small washcloth, he wiped off the bathroom mirror as best he could before realizing he had forgotten to bring his shower kit. Opening the door slightly, he put an ear against the door; he could hear the television going as well as the rather loud snoring of one Vanessa Moreland. Smiling to himself, he snuck out of the room and tiptoed to his suitcase, his knuckles white as he desperately made sure to stop his towel from falling off. Crouching down, he opened his suitcase and fished around for his shower kit, which he eventually found. He rushed back to the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him. Opening his shower kit, he pulled out his beard cream and rubbed it onto his facial hair. He spent another five minutes brushing his hair and beard; afterwards, he put a nasal strip over the bridge of his nose. Finally, he took a shaky finger and plucked out both of his contact lenses before putting on a pair of slick, wire-framed glasses.

After grooming himself properly, Merlyn changed into his pajamas, a set of grey-and-white striped clothes and a silk bathrobe to follow. Making his way back to the hotel room proper, he found Vanessa sprawled out on her mattress, her snoring loud and obnoxious. Chuckling softly, he carefully sat in his own bed, taking out his phone and scrolling through his few social media platforms before switching it over to a news app. However, after realizing there was nothing of note to read, Merlyn gently placed his phone on the nightstand and tucked himself in for bed, taking some time to find a comfortable position for his recovering torso. Within minutes he drifted off to sleep.

Outside the MirageTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang