Author's Note

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On November 29, 2018, I started to write this story about Vanessa Moreland and Alistair Merlyn, with no idea of what I wanted it to be or what I hoped to do with it. Since then, I've completed the story known as Outside the Mirage. It is, in some ways, one of my biggest accomplishments I've made in my life.

This note, however, is to address a few things. Number one, the story that will follow this is heavily unedited. The things you read here can essentially be considered a rough first draft of the story I hope to publish someday soon (at which time I will provide all the necessary information). If there are things within that don't add up or need correcting, feel free to correct me, because feedback is always always always welcome, but do not be surprised if this story itself is never mended to reflect the changes that might take place during the second draft.

Finally, thank you for reading. This story might not be good, but it's mine and I will claim it forever. There's probably a hundred people who deserve a shout-out, but I'll save that for another time. Until then, have a good time.

Good fortunes,

Conner M. Leach

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