#35: Holy Ground

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"The mission was not exactly a success. But we've left the Cultists shattered and broken, so we've achieved a victory. We have the criminals known as Quinn Edwards, Cedric Wyvern, Tyler Winget and Henry Handler in custody. The former Gaisgeach, Gethon Honorfall, was killed in action. Finally, Gregori Popov and the leader of the Cultists, a man known as Goldbeard, are currently at large. The mission was, in a lot of ways a success, as I mentioned, but it was also not something that cost us more than we expected. Special Agent John Layfield lost his life during the mission, sacrificing himself to save another. For those of you that may believe this has been an ultimate failure, I encourage you to look on the brightside. The plan to destroy the Bureau for the Regulation of Magic has been foiled and the terrorists behind it have been sent on the run."

Merlyn's office was again filled with people. Vanessa Moreland, Alistair Merlyn, Christopher Jordan, Jefferson Forsythe, Ivan Hanson, Nakamura, Carmichael, Platt and Chilcott were all standing around, drinking and silently listening to the radio.

"So what's going to happen to them?" Vanessa asked. "The rest of the Cultists?"

"I put in a good word for Quinn for you," Merlyn said. "She'll serve time, but it's very, very reduced. Afterwards they're going to offer her a job. As for the others--Wyvern, Winget and Handler--they'll probably be given ten years or more. It's difficult to say for sure. Quinn's the only one who was given the benefit for an out-of-room trial. The rest will be given full trials."

Vanessa nodded. "And for the ones that got away?"

"We have a lead on Popov," Jordan answered. "But as for Goldbeard, we haven't heard a word. We'll be looking, but right now we're in the dust."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out in no time," Merlyn said, giving Jordan a confident nod before exchanging knowing looks with Vanessa.

"Yes, Agent Jordan," Hanson said. "As the head of the team dedicated to hunting down the last of the Cultists, we suspect you'll do a wonderful job."

Jordan nodded. "Thank you, sir."

"What will you do?" Merlyn asked Forsythe.

"This ain't even my job," Forsythe said. "I'm Department of Concealment, this is all Department of Containment. I'm going to go home to my own office and do my own job."

"As for you, Special Agent," Hanson said, turning to Merlyn, "you are going to be granted a new assignment."

Merlyn frowned. "What?"

"I discussed your quick success here in Gunner's Run and your total success in Zanzibar with the other Deputy-Directors and Director McCormac himself," Hanson explained. "We have decided to pack up most of our offices here and move them elsewhere. But floor seventeen of the Gerald R. Ford Building is still going to be ours and it'll be home to a brand new task force, a group to try and handle people like the Cultists, preferably before they get as close to enacting their plan as Goldbeard was. We would like if you would lead this task force."

"Me?" Merlyn said. He looked at Vanessa. "Who would be on this team, exactly?"

"That's up to you," Hanson said. "You can take just about anyone you want. As long as anyone else who might be overseeing them gives you the permission necessary."

"And we're going to be tasked with hunting down bad mages?" Merlyn said.

Hanson shrugged. "Bad mages are a dime a dozen. Every day seven mages break a law or expose something. You are going to go after these groups, these organized, rallied groups that seem to be dedicated to various ways of destroying B.R.O.M."

"I'm honored," Merlyn said. "Thank you, Ivan."

Hanson's face turned a little red. "Alistair."

"Yes, yes, it's 'Deputy-Director'," Merlyn muttered. "Either way, it's a great honor you've done me and I'm very appreciative."

At that point, the radio shifted to some jazz and everyone groaned audibly. "This is garbage," Forsythe said, walking out of the room.

"Yeah, I actually do have a lot of paperwork to get done," Jordan stated, closely following Forsythe.

It didn't take long for everyone else to begin leaving the room as well, one by one, until it was finally just Merlyn, Vanessa and the sound of blaring jazz. Merlyn looked at her and she looked at him and they both smiled.

"It's been a good day," Vanessa said.

"It's been a very good day," Merlyn corrected. "We get our own task force, apparently."

"We'll have to come up with something cool to call ourselves," Vanessa said. "Do you think Defenders is taken?"

Merlyn shot her a sly look.

"Okay, okay, no more Daredevil references," Vanessa said. "But that's exciting. We've got a task force."

"We do," Vanessa agreed. "Are you excited?"

"More than you could possibly imagine," Merlyn said. "I think we should keep Platt."

"Platt's a good choice," Vanessa agreed. "We should also try and employ Nakamura."

Merlyn nodded. "That's a smart plan. Anyone else?"

"I mean, Forsythe said no," Vanessa said. "But there's Carmichael?"

"And it'd be rude to force Chilcott to move," Merlyn added. "She has an office here and everything."

"Yeah, that's a good point," Vanessa said. "So the six of us?"

"For a start," Merlyn said. "But I think we need to be doing more than just us."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm going to start a program," Merlyn said. "It's not much. But it's a start. We're going to start hiring wiccans to work here as interns and custodians and such, but in exchange for that, we'll also teach them about magic and work on giving them positions that will best suit their specific quirks and talents."

"It's not a lot," Vanessa said, "but it's better than they've gotten. You've done good work, Sheffield."

Merlyn nodded. "B.R.O.M. might not be perfect, but it won't get better without our help. And if we don't help it, someone will tear it down to build something better."

Vanessa nodded. "Yeah, that's about right."

The two of them stood together in Merlyn's office, both leaning against his old, wooden desk, her head on his shoulder as they looked around the room. Vanessa sighed. "I have to say, I didn't expect this year to be such a crazy time for me."

"Crazy bad or crazy good?"

"Depends on the day," Vanessa said. She held up her left hand, where the lightning scars were etched across the back. "But ultimately, I wouldn't change a thing. It's just a good thing I decided to go to that awards ceremony."

"It is," Merlyn said. "You've been a wonderful apprentice."

"And you've been a wonderful mentor," Vanessa said. "Thanks for this year of magic."

"The year's far from over, Ms. Moreland."

"Yeah, well," Vanessa replied. She heard the music and groaned. "Why are we listening to this? Can you put something good on?"

"Something good?" Merlyn asked.

"Yeah, just like, I don't know. Holy Ground is fine."

Merlyn's eyes lit up. "You want me to play Taylor Swift? Like Taylor Swift Taylor Swift?"

Vanessa rolled her eyes. "Actually, Taylor Swift is the name of debut album, whereas I believe Holy Ground is on her 2012 album."

Beaming, Merlyn plugged in his phone and began to scroll through his playlist.

"I'm so happy," he said.

Vanessa just rolled her eyes again. "You're such a dork, Sheffield."

"You just made my year."

The music started playing, and the two of them embraced each other, dancing together throughout the entirety of the song, enjoying the company of the other.

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