question #10

780 39 12

JeannePokemonChamp  Carter what would you do if you meet a creepypasta

Carter: well I would......................... let me think..................................well......I would get my sword and then kill them.

Sadie: they would kill you first.

Carter: you doubt my skill.

Sadie:hmmm.................................. let me think....................................YES.

Carter: wow, Walt how do put up with her.

Walt: *brushes Sadies hair behind ear* She is so....

*loud crashing sound, the ice shots into library*

Felix: hey guys. whatcha doin.

Zia: question, answers, want to join?

Felix: sure.

Leo: what was the bang

Felix: Freak got into the fridge

Carter: I'll sort that out. don't forget to comment.

Sadie: we will answer questions in the morning. *looks at Carter* wath your back as you sleep tonight. mmmwwwhhhhaaaahhhhaaaahhhhaaaa

don't forget to comment

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