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Jannaepokemonchamp (hope I got it right)

Sadie if you where a meme what you'd you be?

Sadie: hmmm. Well maybe, "she dat gurl, she make the dead raise"

Carter: how are we related?  It would be "see that girl, she makes the dead raise"

Sadie: what ever. Hay Felix I have a question for you. (this one is mine)

Felix: sure. What would you like to know?

Sadie: If you could meet any fictional/celebrity/god/goddess who would it be?

Felix: well I would want to meet Khione. She is ths greek goddess of snow.

Leo: and a world class JERK....

Felix: ohhhhh *looks down at the floor*hmmm... *looks up REALLY happy* Elsa from Frozen.

Carter: seems legit. Don't forget to comment.

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