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chapter seven

chapter seven

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r o b y n

"i like your hair curly." i heard a familiar voice making me turn my head only to see kasey.

"but the straight hair looks cute with your glasses." she shrugged as we continued to walk down the hall.

"um thanks." i mumbled, "i didn't know you go here."

"because im always skipping." she said as if it wasn't a big deal.

"so what class you're heading to?" i asked trying to spark up a conversation.

"i just said i always skip." she laughed at me shaking her head, "but im supposed to be in principles of marketing."

i nodded my head as i stopped in front of my class getting ready to walk in but she softly grabbed me back.

"come skip with me." she smiled at me as i scrunched my eyebrows.

"oh no, i already skipped two days in a row. i need to get caught up on my work or else—"

"your in twelve grade, your about to graduate. just live a little." she pleaded making me sigh softly.

"fine." i gave in as she dragged me towards a nearest exit. i just couldn't say no, i guess i'm too soft.

"say, whea' tha hell yall two goin'?" i heard someone ask, i looked behind me as kasey still held on to my arm only to see kentrell and his group of friends smoking.

"none of your damn business!" kasey yelled before giving him the middle finger as she pulled out her keys unlocking the doors to her camaro.

"it is my business if you takin' my property!" kentrell yelled back.

"nigga shut the fuck up." kasey muttered before motioning me to get in.

" kasey muttered before motioning me to get in

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k e n t r e l l

"im tired of kasey, thinkin' she run shit." i rolled my eyes before passing the blunt over to ben.

"i gotta tracking device in her car in case you wanna get yo' 'property'." kd said as he leaned against my car as he scrolled through his phone.

"yea, we should go get her and beat her or sum shit." boomer said getting all excited and shit.

"nigga, tha' fuck is wrong with you?" i tilted my head at him.

"i was just saying, damn." he shrugged.

"you always been the weird one in tha' group." ben shook his head.

"right, his mama could've got a check while he was growing up." kd said as he continued to scroll through his phone before handing it to me,

"that's their location right na."

"then let's go." i smirked hopping off the hood of my car and got in.

"and yall say im tha' weird one." boomer muttered getting in the backseat.

if you could be a famous celebrity what job would you take?

A)rapping or comedian

B) singing or dancing

smash r. kelly or let
your mom die?


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