Chapter Two; Comin' Home

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Lights hit me in the eyes, and I felt something around my neck. I tried to look around by my eyes and my head refused to move. Some leaned onto me, and I felt my sleeve getting rolled up. My brain dimmed down back to the black abyss of sleep.

I was back at the circus but somewhere else. I was in a room, with my ear pressed against the door listening to a shouting mask between two children. They were arguing over who's truth was the truth.

"You know it's rude to eavesdrop on your brothers, naughty girl," a male's voice said from the shadows then a pan hit me in the head.

The boys rushed into the room. My heading felt like it was reeling. They looked at me, one smiled and one rushed to my side and side an arm around me and helped me to my feet.

"Thanks, Jeremiah" I heard myself whisper to him.

"Jerome, come one" he hissed to the other boy."

He rolled his eyes and reluctantly came to my other side, and helped. They brought me to my room, at least I think it was my room. They set me on on the thin mattress on the floor. Jerome looked at me and gave me a scowl before walking off. Jeremiah stayed with me.

He slipped something into my hand, "look at it in exactly five minutes," before he too walked off.

The scene changed and I was sitting in the back of some police vehicle, "Do you know where we're going?"

"For your protection, you're being removed. Your existence will be completely erased from there mind. Do you know who I am?" he asked.

I shook my head, "You can Mr. Meister", he replied.

Someone was shaking me awake. Woozy, I squinted my eyes open. "Honestly getting sick of this waking up in foreign places shit," I mumbled to myself. More lights were shone in my droopy eyes. My eyes drifted back and forth following the light. My eyes kept fluttering until my ears picked out one distinct voice from the rest. Jim. Instinctively my hand shot up and caught someone by the tie. 

"Where am I?"

"A hospital, do you remember who I am?" I heard him say.

"My name is Juliet..." I started to say when my eyes began to focus. 

I followed my hand to his tie, he looked at me concerningly. I noticed the doctors and several heavily armed guards around the room and even more waiting outside the door. Something about him seemed familiar as if I met him a long time ago, maybe I had but with my stupid memory... Trying to move my legs I noticed they were chained to the bed. Panic kicked in and I started flailing. Nurses were on my wrist and Jim took a step back until I had calmed down. 

"What's going on!" I snapped at him.

"Frankly we're not sure, we found you electrocuted in a puddle but you managed to survive."

"Apparently it just takes a lot to kill me" I replied testily.

Another detective came walking in who was much older and shaggier, "We need to get her moved someone before you know who blows this place up trying to get her," I heard him whisper to Jim. 

"Who?" I asked.



"One of them," Jim said. 

They're real? They started unbuckling me from the bed and helped me into a wheelchair, with an IV stuck into my arm. I looked at the bag, inside the bag and on the inside of the bag behind the label was a little red smiley face, not the usual kind. My fingers fumbled to the IV and ripped it out. They rushed to try to put it back in until I pointed out the little red smiley face. 

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