Chapter Three; Scars

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My heart was pounding, and my hands were covered in sweat; no matter how much I whipped them off it kept coming back. My vision started going out, then I brought my knees to my chest and started wobbling. Anxiety attack. I mentally starting counting down from one hundred but to no prevail.

Jim's eyes looked in the rearview mirror, "Almost there. It'll be okay."

"We'll see about that," Bullock muttered.

The only calming thing was watching the drive. I kept my eyes glued to the window and watching our arrival in a large forest. We were all amazed by the scenery. Trees taller then the eye can see, and untouched by fire or forestation. Even the gate leading towards the so-called bunker looked aged with time.

"Jim Gordon, we're here to deliver Jeremiah's sister," Jim said out the window the awaiting call box.

The black gates wheels started turning, and the wires pulled the gate open. It sounded like nails against a chalkboard as the ungreased pulley turned. We slowly drove up to the square building. It frightened me, and Bullock noted it looked like an above-ground bomb shelter. We climbed out of the vehicle, and Bullock kept his hand near his belt which contained his gun. If I was armed I probably would have kept my hand there too, it gave me the creeps. The door swung open and we were greeted by a blonde lady, in trainers and hair pulled back.

"Ecco," she said sticking her hand out towards me, "by the red hair I assume your Juliet".

I took her hand with a nod, "You'd be correct".

She turned and we followed her into a maze that lead to an elevator, "Jeremiah is so excited to see you again."

I stayed silent and gave an awkward smile, "I wish I remembered him."

"Remember anything?" She asked.

"Not a thing".

We stayed silent for the rest of our descent. The lights flickered a weird red then back to iridescent. No one said anything but I presumed it was just checking for diseases. We arrived at another maze, and she guided us through it with ease. I wondered if she lived down here too with how she walked in, as she knew it like the back of her hand. We arrived at a matte gray door, and a key card swipe plus an additional code. Ecco punched in her numbers and the eight-inch thick door opened. She lead us into a dark room and left us. The first thing I saw walking into the room was the orange-red hair which was familiar to my own. Glasses fit his face and an old black-gray suit. Jeremiah stood behind a desk, not looking sure on how to greet me. I guess I had to make the first move.

I walked towards him and my hands grew clammy again, I whipped them discreetly on my pants and stuck it out, "Juliet Valeska", I said with a small smile.

He didn't do anything but stare at me for a good minute, then his arms came around me and held me tightly. "I missed you," he whispered to me in tears.

I held him, the light scent of carnival food hit me. Elephant ears? My brain flashed a memory of the three of us, Jeremiah, Jerome and I sitting at a table each eating one. He squeezed me tighter then let go. He whipped the tears off his cheeks and pushed up his glasses then turned to the detectives.

"Thank you for bringing her home, I'm more than grateful".

"Don't mention it, do you mind if she stays here while we go check out something?" Jim asked.

"I would rather her stay here anyway with Jerome on the loose."

Jim nodded, "You guys probably have a lot of catching up to do."

Ecco showed back up and escorted them out. Jeremiah sat in the chair behind his desk then quickly stood back up.

"Bad manners, do you want anything? Coffee? Water?" He asked.

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