Chapter 11- Hermione Has A Stick Up Her Ass. Also Harry's Gay (Surprise)

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Harry, Ron and Hermione walked quickly to Potions. They had exactly a minute to get from one end of the school to the other.

"Fuck!" Ron shouted. "We're late."

"Should we skip?" Harry suggested.

Ron's eyes lit up. "We could go down to the kitchens and have early lunch!"

Hermione glared. "We are not skipping! My grades will drop!"

A\N: the above three statements have been a brief summary of the Golden Trio.

The boys rolled their eyes, and they all continued walking to Potions.

Up ahead, Harry saw Draco leaning against a wall, looking at them, looking, and Harry wasn't gonna deny it anymore, sexy as hell.

"Malfoy," Hermione said coldly.

He inclined his head slightly. "Granger."

She seemed surprised he had addressed her in an almost civil manner.

"Shouldn't you be in Potions, Malfoy?" Harry asked.

Draco looked at him coolly. "That's a rather hypocritical question, Potter."

Harry raised his eyebrows. "Hypocritical? That's a big word. How long did you have to search the dictionary to find that one?"

Draco narrowed his eyes, but did not retaliate. "If you must know, Potter, I was speaking with the Headmaster."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

Draco tilted his head to the side, inclining Hermione and Ron to go ahead of him. They did, and Draco fell into step beside Harry.

When they reached the classroom, Ron sighed, and turned to face Harry. "Ready for hell?"

He shrugged. "I defeated Voldemort, stood up to Umbridge, and created a secret army under the noses of the teachers at Hogwarts. I can handle a greasy Potions teacher for an hour."

Draco snorted, and opened the door.

"-powered root of Asphodel to your ground moth wings. Draco, I received the message from the Headmaster that you would be late. You are excused. However, Mr. Potter, Ms. Granger, Mr. Weasley, you are late. Twenty points from-"

"Actually, sir, they came with me."

Hermione, Ron, and Harry, as well as Professor Snape and the entire Potions class, swiveled to stare at Draco.

He continued. "Since I came back, students haven't, happy to see me, shall we say. I'm not exactly in a good position to be walking around the school alone. So I saw Potter, and I asked him and his...friends to escort me to the Headmaster's office. If anything, you should award points to Gryffindors, not take them away."

The classroom was so silent, Harry could hear Snape's confusion.

"Very well," he said stiffly. "Five points to Gryffindors. And five points to Slytherin for standing up for other students."

Harry sat in his desk next to Ginny. Ron and Hermione sat down a few seats away.

Harry pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill.

Is that actually true?

He remembered the last note between him and Malfoy. It had been a paper swan.

Seemed fitting.

He muttered an enchantment under his breath. The noted folded into a swan, and flew gracefully to land on Draco's desk.

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