Chapter 22- It's Not A Drarry Life Book Without Angst! :)

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Draco couldn't stop staring at his boyfriend as they went to their first class of the day.

He was so... different. 

Of course it was hot, but it just didn't fit Harry's personality very well.

And that Dark Mark... 

Draco understood the concept behind it, but it still made him uncomfortable that Harry willingly got that tattooed on him.

Draco had noticed Harry's personality had changed a bit, too. Where he used to have sweet, loving nicknames for Draco like "sunshine" and "love" and "angel", now he settled for "babe" and "baby" above them.

But Draco was just happy that they had a whole day where no one was trying to split them up, so he let it slide.

Harry grinned at him from across the classroom, shooting him a wink. Draco blushed.

"Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Potter, please pay attention," McGonagall sighed. "I placed you on opposite ends of the room for a reason."

"Is that reason that you're afraid we're gonna have hardcore sex right here on the desk?" Harry asked, grinning.

McGonagall's expression didn't change. "Ten points from Gryffindor."

"Are you jealous that you can't join in?"

"Twenty points from Gryffindor."

"That's kinda illegal, Minnie. But shit, you do you. I'm sure Draco wouldn't mind."

Draco's jaw dropped. What?

"Twenty points from Gryffindor. And detention."

"Ooo, detention. Want some alone time with me, Professor?"

No one was laughing, not even Seamus. Everyone was just staring at Harry in horror.

"Mr. Potter, please cease your uncomfortable advances immediately. You are distracting other students and me from the lesson."

Harry simply leaned back in his chair, grinning. He took a drink from his water bottle, wincing slightly as he did so. When he noticed Draco's confused look at his reaction, he grinned and held up his water bottle, mouthing "Firewhiskey".

Draco shook his head. What had gotten into Harry?

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