Chapter 16- We Put 14 Libido-Driven Teenagers In A Room Together

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Draco and Harry reached the Gryffindors common room. Harry hesitated, and then whispered. "Slytherin can kiss my ass."

Draco's head whipped toward him to tell him off, but the portrait swung open.

His mouth fell open. Harry shrugged apologetically and slipped his hand into Draco's.

They walked into the Common Room together.

Shock met them. Then, Fred and George shouted "Way to go Harry!," Ginny called "About time!", Dean catcalled from Seamus' lap, Seamus started shouting " Taste the Rainbow" for some reason, Lavender and Parvati squealed, Ron shouted "OTP," Pansy and Blaise shouted inappropriate insinuations, Angelina and Padma wiggled in delight on the Weasley twins' laps, and Neville shouted "Congrats, mate!"

Harry laughed. "Thanks?" He sat down in the circle and grabbed Draco's hand, pulling him into his lap. Pansy whistled and Draco blushed as he felt Harry's arms around his waist.

Then he realized.

"Neville and Blaise!" he shouted, looking at Blaise happily sitting in Neville's lap. "And Pansy and Ron!?"

Pansy shrugged from her straddling position on Ron's lap. "What can I say? He's irresistible."

Ron turned red as Pansy kissed him.

"Hate to spoil the party, but where's the homophobic bitch who's ass I'm supposed to beat?" Draco asked.

"Get in line," Ginny said calmly. "She left."

Draco nodded.

Then Ginny got an evil smile on her face. "Let's play a game."

"What game?" Dean asked.

Ginny smirked. "It's called Libido."

"Oh hell no." Angelina shook her head.

"I agree," Parvati said. "Any game with that name has to be bad."

Ginny laughed. "Let me explain it first. You are set up with someone by the head of the game. Me. The head then casts a libido spell on everyone. You will attempt to fight the spell, which will be compelling you to practically shag your partner right then and there, and last one left standing wins a prize."

"What's the prize?" Padma asked.

Ginny thought about it. "You get to make three people each do a dare as awful as you want."

Everyone perked up.

"I'm in," Harry agreed. Draco nodded, and eventually everyone was playing.

"All right," Ginny said. "Harry and Draco, of course, Pansy and Ron, Angelina and George, Blaise and Neville, Padma and Fred, Seamus and Dean, and Parvati and Lavender."

Nobody argued.

"All right. Draco, Ron, Angelina, Neville, Padma, Dean, and Lavender. Stand against the wall. Harry, Pansy, George, Blaise, Fred, Seamus, Parvati, stand behind this line ten feet away."

Dean stared in horror. "You're making the dominant, more libido-driven ones go first! Do you have a death wish?"

Ginny winked.

"I am not libido driven!" Harry protested.

Dean stared at him. "There is no way you are a virgin, Harry Potter."

Harry looked down. "Actually...."

Several people gasped, including Draco. Ron sighed.

"Thank God, you didn't violate my sister."

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