Roles You Can Claim

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Female Roles:

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She is the oldest sister out of the 12, being the age of 22. She enjoys playing music, especially the flute. Like her sisters, she dances ballet and sings. Her favorite flower is geranium and her favorite gem is garnet. Her mother gave her the book when she was 5, a tradition. Rowena treats her pretty kindly because Ashlyn isn't as wild as her sisters. She is kind and understanding, a good role model to her sisters, comforting, and respectful. She is heir to the throne. She is closest to Blair and Courtney. Ashlyn is scared of spiders. Rowena doesn't want Ashlyn getting married, because that ruins her plans.

Blair:Played By: 1purpleflowerBlair is the second oldest princess, she is 21 years old

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Played By: 1purpleflower
Blair is the second oldest princess, she is 21 years old. She is a huge dreamer. In her spare time she rides horses. Her favorite flower is a larkspur, and her favorite gem is a Ruby. Blair is very brave, and shares her opinion without a problem. She is a very big daydreamer. She is closest to Courtney and Ashlyn. She does ballet and sings with her sisters. Blair is afraid of scorpions.

Courtney:Played By: Me!Courtney is the 3rd oldest, being age 20

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Played By: Me!
Courtney is the 3rd oldest, being age 20. Courtney loves reading and always has her nose stuck in a book. She also does ballet and sings with her sisters. Her favorite flower is a forget-me-not. Her favorite gem is a sapphire. She doesn't really pay attention to her surroundings, and often stumbles into things. Courtney is the calmest of her sisters. Courtney is scared of snakes. Courtney is closest to Ashlyn and Blair.

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.
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