THERE'S MORE OF THEM!?!?$?$?!?$?!?!?!

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Hello my fellow readers! If you have read the title there will be more of ball pythons..... Like Three more Ball Pythons.... Yeah.. And i do want to add the Fate series into this, so yeah.... Hope you like this!!!! This might be a short one!


We were walking back from eating lunch, and as we walked in, I saw that Y/N was cuddling with another ball python. I walked over to the enclosure and watched them snuggle for a while, and the others came over to watch too.

Weiss: "Awww, aren't they so cute together?"

Ruby: "I know! They so adorable!"

Blake: "How did the other one get there? I don't know how, but we should take of it as well as Y/N."

Ruby: "Yeah"


I slowly woke up from helping a fellow Ball Python. I woke up to see Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang watching us, I didn't really mind that they were staring at us, but since I was sharing my body heat and slept under the heat lamp, I needed to cool off. I slithered on over to my soaking tub, and went in like spaghetti. I heard a startled hiss, I looked over and my fellow Ball Python freaked out, so I slithered over to him.

Y/N: "Hey, don't be spooked my noodle friend, they mean no harm, they make sure that we have the best life ever!"

BP/N: "Huw do u no?"

Y/N: "I know how, cause the one in red is my owner and she chose me as her new scale baby, and she and her friends are going to help to take care of me, and most likely you too! You will find this place quite welcoming!"

BP/N: "Fine...."

Ruby: "Hey, Yang do you have any ideas for this Ball Python's name?"

Yang: "How about Stan Lee!"

Ruby: "Thats a great one yang!"

Weiss: "I think it suits the little guy~"

Stan: "uh...."

Y/N: "Yeah, That one iz Weiss, I thought she would be a meanie but she isnt, but she is a bit odd,"

Stan: "Nu, dur!"

Y/N: "The one with yellow fur is Yang, the one with black fur is Blake"

Stan: "oook"

Y/N: "I know how you feel, i was stressed out too, but eventually you'd get used to it"

Stan: "Thanks"

Ruby: "Oh Y/N, guess what?"

Me and Stan Lee both looked at Ruby in confusion. Ruby pulled a box from behind her.

Stan: "Um, what do you think is in the box?"

Y/N: "Honestly, no clue"

Ruby then opened the box to reveal three more Ball Pythons! One was a. Lesser Spider morph, another one was a Banana morph, and the last was a desert Mojave.

 Lesser Spider morph, another one was a Banana morph, and the last was a desert Mojave

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Stan: "You've got to be hissing me"

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Stan: "You've got to be hissing me"

Y/N: "........."

Ruby took each Ball Python out at a time and placed them into my enclosure. The Desert Mojave was the biggest one of three, and the Lesser Spider being the smallest, which then  placed the Banana being the middle one.

Y/N: "Oh joy..."

Hey my fellow readers! I know this was short but eventually they will get longer! As you all wait for the next part, go check out my other books! Share ideas on each one! So, until then I will see you all in the Part!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2019 ⏰

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Male ball python x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now