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De•sire /dəˈzī(ə)r/
A strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen.

Part 1
  He loved chocolate. Like a lot. But he also loved Roman. Like a lot too. And that scared him. He wanted Roman, but he couldn't have him. The Samoan god was a high school jock. A very beloved one. Unlike Dean, who was a loser in everyone's eyes except his best friend Seth. Dean was the king of losers and everyone knew it. But the infamous title attracted an unlikely student. The most popular student against the dirty one was more of a better option but it wasn't how it actually happened.
April rolled into May and then into June. Dean was asleep when Seth decided to sneak into his room through the window again and shook him. The blue eyed boy groaned and fell off the bed with one movement. Seth chuckled and removed the blanket off him and threw him over his shoulder. Dean was more awake and decided to play with his best friend. One slap led to another on the 4 eyed boy's ass. Dean started to play his ass like a drum and Seth started to bounce to mess him up. But he continued to play.
  Seth placed him onto his living room couch and threw some clothes at him.
"Go shower dude. You smell like death Dean." Seth yelled from the kitchen as he reached into the fridge for breakfast.
"Fine mom." Dean said as he walked towards the bathroom. As he turned the knobs on the pale wall, he thought of his desire. It grew stronger everyday. And he couldn't help himself. The water was warm and Dean shivered. He felt those butterflies, as people would call it in his stomach and his body didn't know how to process it. For the next 6 minutes, that's all he did. Just thought, got butterflies then fuck off for 6 minutes. He didn't know why he was so attracted to the Samoan. But he knew that he would never look his way unless he was staring at someone else in his direction and that stung.
  As he left the shower, he wrapped a towel around his waist and left the bathroom. The first thing that hit him was the smell of eggs, sausages, and other delights within a sandwich form. He sped walk to the kitchen and his mouth watered. The food looked heavenly. He ran into his room to quickly change and ran back into the kitchen. He walked towards the fridge and grabbed the gallon of orange juice. He opened the cabinet that was hovering next to the fridge and placed cups on the counter before pouring the substance into the glasses.
  He brought them to meet the rest of the feast and handed one glass to Seth. They both sat down and began to eat, just like every morning. They have been repeating this routine for over 2 years, ever since his parents died. Seth has asked him many times to move in with his family but he said he preferred to be in his childhood house to be closer to his parents. Seth didn't agree but he let his best friend be. And ever since that night, they love been closer than ever.
It was Saturday and they had to go work at the Alaskan Cabin as baristas. That's why Seth sped to his best friend's house and made breakfast as he showered so they could leave as soon as possible.
  "Dean let's go! We're going to be late!" Seth yelled out as he started the sports car that belonged to the blue eyed boy's deceased parents. They left their boy gifts, even if they weren't all that rich.
  "I'm coming asshole! Calm yourself. Who cares if we're late? Baron will cover for us until we get there. It's not a big deal." Dean said as he entered the vehicle and buckled his seat belt. Seth sighed and softly coughed a chuckle and sped to the little food establishment. Once they arrived, they entered through the back and greeted their fellow coworkers. They placed their black aprons on and walked until they reached the counter. Then their shifts began.
  The majority of the clientele were locals, so the barista brothers knew them and they back. One cappuccino with extra foam for Mr. Ember. One green tea with a corn muffin for Ms. Snow. 3 croissants for the McCandless couple. And 2 smoothies for the Skylar twins. And each client gave them tips because they were that good. But today was different. The sun was brighter, yet the wind defied the sun as it blew, its waves of air made the people feel it in their bones.
  A teen in Polo clothing entered the cabin and in the process, made people shiver. Seth was in the bathroom since Dean told him he could go if he really needed to and took over for him.
"Hello sir. May I take your... Roman?"

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