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Hurt /hərt/
Cause physical pain or injury to.

Part 2

Days became weeks and weeks became months. As more months passed, the more distant they were from each other and the more they hurt. It was now the last of May and everyone was just talking about prom. Oh yes, lovely prom. The theme was medieval and they had to wear masks. But it wasn't Roman's thing. And that's why he wasn't going. He literally had a line of people asking him to go with them, and each one received a big no in response. Dean kept an eye on him every now then. Roman knew because as much as Dean was a good ninja, he wasn't good enough for Roman.
Seth wasn't in school today because he went to a Robotics competition, so the Samoan was on his own. He basically sped walked to every classroom and remained quiet so he could survive without his friend. Lunchtime was his favorite period. He did nothing but listen to music and eat. But this was a different lunchtime. Dean bathed into the cafeteria along with Paige and started handing out flyers.
  "Chicks and Dicks! I present to you invitations to our party this Saturday at my lake house!" Dean yelled out as people looked at him cheering. Roman rolled his eyes and decided to leave because it interfered with Roman time. As he walked out with a plate full of food, his name was called out. Roman hesitated to turn around because he knew that voice.
  "Roman! Wait up." Dean panted out as he ran towards the Samoan. Roman adjusted his position so that his arms were crossed and stood like a statue. Dean handed him a flyer.
  "I know we haven't been speaking as of late but I hope you come. It wouldn't be a party without you." Dean admitted as Roman listened. He sighed and took the flyer. Dean smiled and ran back to the cafeteria. The Samoan shook his head and found a nearby trash can and disposed himself of the flyer. He didn't need Dean's pathetic apology. And with that, he walked towards his next class.

Day of Prom (1 week later)
  Dean would be lying if he said that Roman trashing his flyer and not attending his party didn't hurt. He hated that Roman didn't want to talk to him anymore. But he had Paige and he shouldn't be thinking of the Samoan this way. But it was hopeless. The clock read 6:45 pm and he knew he had to go pick up his gothic babe in an hour. He stepped into the shower after stripping himself of the tight fabric he was wearing and sighed. He wished he was going with Roman to prom and then have a romantic moment with him to let him know how he really felt.
  But he already knew he lost that privilege to Rollins the Nerd. He always saw them together and it made him want to gag. Unfortunately, he had no say in his life anymore. They both moved on, well, not completely. He got out of the shower and got dressed. He looked into the mirror and Roman was standing behind him. He gulped as he saw him grab Dean from behind. When he looked behind him, he was gone. His gaze returned to the mirror and saw Roman touching him again. He walked into the bathroom and rinsed his face. He looked up to see Roman's glazing over his body and he couldn't help but moan because he could feel it. 
  For the next 8 minutes, he let the invisible Samoan do wonders to him before leaving his house. He arrived at his girlfriend's house in 10 minutes and she looked stunning. But he didn't get the horny vibe like the one he got moments ago from the Samoan. He held her hand as he drove them to school.
  Roman and Seth had decided to go have a guys night at a local arcade and dine at McDonald's after watching The Boy. Since Seth didn't live so far from him or town, they decided to walk. Roman was placing his hair in a bun when Seth texted him that he was almost ready. Roman sped his actions and left the comfort of his home. When he arrived at Seth's house, he knocked on the lovely wooden door 3 times. The younger boy opened the door and smiled at the Samoan before closing the door.
They walked into a lightly bright town. Roman opened the glass door for Seth to enter digital paradise. They immediately went to the Pac-Man game and started to beat each other's scores. Seth beat him every time. Next up was a game of pool. They had some activities that weren't digital but they were okay with that.
"Reigns, are you ready to have your ass handed to you again?" Seth chuckled out as Roman threw him a glare along with a middle finger. Sticks hit balls and balls fell through holes. Round after round and the battle victory went to Roman. Hell, he even did a booty shake for his victory dance. Seth just shot him a middle finger as he laughed at his shaking ass.
"Babe, let's go dance!" Paige yelled at Dean so he could hear her over the blazing music.
"Let's go darling!" Dean yelled back before taking her hand, leading her to the dance floor. Once they reached the dance floor, they wasted no time placing their hands over each other. Paige swayed her body to the music as Dean pretended to have fun. Honestly, the dance could have been better. Way better. After 3 songs, Dean decided to go get them drinks. He wasn't feeling the party vibe after the invisible Samoan did wonders for his soul. He started pouring the cool liquid into glass cups and carried them back to their spot.
As he walked towards his pale girlfriend, he could see her talking to a guy before they kissed. Dean crushed the glasses and walked up to them. He grabbed the guy and punched him so hard that it knocked him out. He looked at Paige with the saddest expression before running away.
"Dean! Dean come back!" Paige screamed out but he never looked back.
It was 10 and the two boys were walking out of the movie theater.
"That was such a good movie." Seth said as he finished the last few sips of his Coke and Roman nodded in agreement. They started walking to McDonald's when Roman was ran over by a running figure. Roman groaned and heard hyperventilating sobs. He recognized those sobs. They were Dean's.
"Dean?" Roman asked softly before Dean slowly looked into his eyes. It was the most painful thing to see and he pulled the boy into his bronzed arms. Dean didn't even struggle. Seth crotched down and tried to comfort Dean by caressing his hair. The auburn boy didn't even push Seth away. Roman stood up and picked up Dean in the process. Roman signaled Seth to follow them. He was hesitate but he went. Seth ordered McDonald's as Roman comforted Dean in the back alley. Dean explained everything and the Samoan was torn.
He was happy that the pale bitch was no longer his but he knew he was hurting because he liked her a lot. And even if he were single now, the auburn boy wouldn't immediately jump into his arms, claiming him as his boyfriend. He sighed and gave Dean security.
"I'm back. Let's go home guys." Seth said softly as Roman walked towards him. They were heading towards his house. Seth opened the door for him as he continued to hold Dean in his arms, except, he was asleep when they arrived. Seth placed the food on the table as Roman settled Dean in his bedroom. He took off his shoes and suit and replaced them with his clothing. After he knew Dean was comfy, he placed a kiss on his forehead before heading back into the kitchen.
"I'm sorry this happened bro. But even though we haven't talked to each other, I'll always have his back." Roman said as he opened the container that held his food.
"Don't be. He's your best friend whether you talk or not. Plus, he loves you no matter what. He needed you tonight which means he hasn't forgotten your existence." Seth spoke out before taking a bite of his burger. Roman nodded slowly before taking a bite of his own burger.
The clock struck 11:34 pm and Seth was sleeping in the guest bedroom. Roman laid on the couch because he didn't want to disturb a sleeping Dean. Just when his eyes started to close, he heard footsteps. He clapped twice, catching a nearly naked Dean going towards the bathroom.
"Holy shit! You scared me." Dean said as he massages his head.
"Sorry Dean. I didn't mean to." Roman spoke softly as he walked up to him. They're chests were touching and they could feel each other's heart beat.
"I should be sorry Ro. I was a dick towards you and I treated you wrong. I don't deserve your kindness in my time of harm." The auburn boy whispered. He hung his head low until Roman used his index finger to make him look at him.
"I will always be here for you Dean. No matter what." He said. And before he knew it, he was pulled into a sweet kiss. He gasped and melted into the kiss. He returned the movement and all they felt were each other. They stopped when they heard someone clear their throat.
"You know I'm here right? I can hear your silent moans, ya know!" Seth said jokingly as both boys blushed and broke apart their lips.
"Fuck off Rollins. It's an Ambreigns moment." Dean chuckled out before Seth retreated back into the guest room.
"I've been wanting to say and do that for a long time." Dean confessed as Roman caressed his hair and connecting their foreheads.
"Me too Dean. Me too." Roman said before claiming his lips again.

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