(part 2) Where it all began

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January,23,2020 12:00 a.m. As we were on the road are tank was starting to get empty so we stopped at a 7-11 gas station and it was only a few blocks away but as we stopped walkers started to come at are truck because the sounds of the vechile attracted all the walkers as we parked into the gas station.My father told me to give my baseball bat that I had forgot to put in my room and he swung the bat so hard he accdiently hit the gas and had started to spill everywhere but at least he killed some walkers.We couldn't stay in the truck, so father told to us to get out and into the store for safety.We locked the doors hopefully not letting the walkers in."Let's pack us some foods and drinks because this can last us maybe weeks"my father said gladly "Me and Ethan will go wash up in the bathroom"
my mother who had her brown hair up in a bun,her eyes were light blue,who was sweet and sociable to talk to as she walked to the bathroom and I started to help my father.Few minutes past my father and I went to go check on my mother and Ethan but the door was unlocked and we saw a man on the ground who was bit in the hand "Sir are you alright and what happened here?"my father said wondering "I was in here because I work here at the store but...when I heard that announcement on the radio I ran into this room...but then a woman came in with a child...who looked like one of those walkers...and...she checked herself in the mirror took off her scarf and she had a bite on her neck...while caring her child in her arms...but then it seemed she was getting dizzy and she droped to the floor with the child in her hands... she let go of the child and the mother came closer to me so I moved to this corner right here...she asked for help but I said I couldn't then I gave a gun to her... and then she left and she tried not to cry nor she yelled for help with the gun in her hand and before I closed the door I saw her in the corner of the store with the gun in front of her but she didn't shoot..."he says frightened who had a long beard that was gray,on top on his head was a green cap with the 7-11 logo on it,and his terrified face"what happened to the child?"my father asked"After the woman droped her child...the child ran out the door and went sonewhere else but the woman started to came at me ready to bite so I got my gun but I couldn't aim right and it got closer and closer then it bit me in my hand and then it heard a noise from outside the room and went outside never seeing it again..."he says not scared anymore and starting to turn into a walker"stay behind me y/n"my father said and I did.I did whatever my parents said even if they were doing sonething wrong and it's maybe because my parents are strict with rules like calling them mother and father instead of mom and dad because it was the respectful and polite thing.My father asked"who are you?"the man replied"I am Frank...I had...a family ...but they died...from the walkers"my father asked"may I use your gun Frank"the man replied"yes you can you can also use my other guns ...I used them for a robbery but when I didn't use them I hid them...but since you are going to need them more then me you... can take them...they are all over the store go find them and be safe...good...bye" the man said dying right in front of us.My father replied "thank you Frank and good bye"as me and my father left the bathroom then we heard walkers coming so we couldn't go find ethan .We open the fridges to find guns but for some reason the fridge door wouldn't close so we just let it be because it would take up time and then we found bullets on shelfs but as my father was coming down a shelf it fell over making others fall
down but the thing that made my father fall was a walker.My father shot multiple times and blood went everywhere but he shot for the heads of the walkers and after a couple of shots all of the walkers were dead we unlocked the door and left the store but luckily there was no walkers waiting for us.As we walked up a hill I looked at some people who looked like a family,a mom,a dad,a daughter and a dog , who parked in the 7-11 gas station and I hoped at least that family had loved ones that made it out of that gas station alive.

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