(Part8)Where it all began

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October,30,2026 at 1:00p.m
Y/n's Pov/writting:Me and Ryan were walking down to the river to catch some fish.Ryan said he wanted me to come 'cause I was going to become an adult soon and would have to help out whenever we needed to find food."Have you ever fished before?"Ryan said as we were getting closer to the river"No,not really.This my first time"I say"Then if you need any help,I'll be right there"Ryan says"Thanks"I say smiling"Your welcome.Now let's fish"Ryan says smiling as we both finally get to the river.
Ryan helped me out and after awhile I had caught my first fish.It wasn't very large but it was big enough to feed four mouths.I have to go,ryan is calling me to keep my hands on his fishing rod while he goes to the bathroom and not to put my hands on the pencil that I write with.

It's been a year since I wrote that but that was the day I lost my journal.I had say down and had put it to the right side of me and put my hands on the fishing rod as I heard Ryan coming back"Thanks,I'll take-"Ryan says as he was about to grab the fishing rod from my hands but instead he had pushed my journal into the river with his foot"My journal?!"I say as I turn back to him"I'm sorry y/n"Ryan says"Just take the fishing rod"I say angrily giving him the rod as I stand up"Where are you going?"Ryan says"Home"I say as I grab my things and leave towards the house.While I was walking back I had thought I lost my journal forever.All the things I wrote about this zombie apocalypse from the start until now was gone.All the memories I wrote down before all of this was gone.All my stories,secrets,drawings,thoughts,feelings,and etc was gone.I didn't hate him but I did have a grudge against him or more like I didn't forgive him for what he did.I miss him.I miss them.One day me and Ethan are going to go back to see them again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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