(Part3)Where it all began

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January,24,2020 1:00PM
"Father where are we going"as I followed my father through the streets of the city "we are going to your Uncle's farm that is the safest place for now"my father replied"ok but father how much longer is it until we get there?"I said to my father"about 2 and a half days but for now let's look for another place to stay ok?"my father replied to me"ok" I said back to him.A few moments later we were in a car garage and luckliy there was a ladder on the side of the building."Come here y/n"my father says to me as I came out of the bathroom from cleaning up all the blood on my face"I am going to teach you how to shoot a gun"he says pulling out his gun"b...but I can't"I say nervously"what if I die and you are here all alone and no one to protect you?what if you get lost and you are all alone?what if I turn into one of those things and I try to eat you what are you going to do?"he says as I hear anger rises in his voice and as he shakes me making it seem I would understand better"I d...don't-"I say not knowing what to say as he interrupts me"excatly you don't know because it might seem I would always protect you but life doesn't happen like that.I am not always going to be by your side holding your hand or protecting from those things out there you are going to start protecting yourself and It might seem like I being hard on you but I am doing this to protect you from reality or those things outside do you understand?"he says calmly not shaking me anymore as I nod my head yes then we got started to practice on shooting.Before we went to bed my father said "Y/n if you are alone and something or someone tries to attack you got to shoot or hit with your bat no matter what you got it?I replied back"ok father"then we went to bed.
January,27,2020 l0:00p.m
We packed up and left the car garage and started to walk to my uncle's farm and after two hours we were their at my uncle's farm."Hello?David are you here"My father yelled as I looked around because the farm did actually looked safe it had barbed sharp,pontiy,fences all around the farm and had crops growing and had a big farm house and right next to it was a house but lying there on the ground was my uncle's dead body in the ground"Y/n can you put up the supplies while I...I bury...y...your uncle"he says trying to keep back his tears"father after I finsh Can I go inside to choose my room"I say pleading"sure go right ahead I will be right back" he said walking off to go get a shovel.I finshed putting up the supplies in the farm house and went to go choose my room. The room I chose had green walls and pictures of my family so I really liked that room because It reminded me of memories but then as I was going to lay on my bed I hear my father yell so I go outside and see my father covering his bleeding hand"y/n I got b...bit"he says as he falls to the ground"Father please get up,your the only thing I have left...please"I say wanting to burst out in tears"I'm still in here"He says pointing to my head."And in here"He says pointing to my heart"Yeah...you're right"I say hearing myself almost crying"y/n do one last thing...kill me...t..then bury me okay,do you understand"He says trying not to cry up in tears"I do understand but I won't do that"I say looking away from him"Please y/n I want to protect you.I don't want you to die like your mother and your brother did so please...this is the only way to do this"he says trying to make me understand"why can't we just chop off your hand so it won't spread?"I say trying to come up with reasons"It's already infected my body"he says giving up "please...do it"my father says sadly"ok...I will do...it"I say while rasing my baseball bat"I love you d...dad"I say getting ready to hit"I love you too...y/n"I swing as hard as I can and right in front of me was my dead father.I drag him,next make a hole,then put him in,finally burying my own dad with tears dripping off my cheeks on to the soil.After I went inside the house and sobbed in my room.

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