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the follow up.

i decided to talk to the kid that saw me in the beginning.  i almost forgot about him because i was afraid.

"you got a second chance?" the boy asked, sounding almost bitter. i just nodded in reply, not exactly knowing what to say. "i still don't know if that's what i want." he decided, and i understood.

"i still don't get how all this works." i said finally, and the green haired boy smiled.

"you didn't let go," he said, smiling. "when people die, they're either ready, or they're simply not. if they aren't ready, then they stay where i am and where you once were."

i was still curious.

"sometimes, angels take pity in children. children who aren't ready to let go on life. we sit there and wait and watch everyone, without a way to communicate, and when angels take pity they give us a chance. we can get closure, and be ready to die. that's what they want at least." he said, laughing bitterly. "but if you play your cards right, they grant you a second chance at life. they make it so things are normal, almost."

i understood, mostly. in a lot of ways, i was very lucky.

"well, i should probably go," the boy said, standing up. "we're usually not supposed to know this stuff, but i've been around since i was far too young, so i guess i know everything."

"wait!" i called out. he turned to me with sad eyes, but still smiled.

"i can't go back, i haven't even found my family, let alone the person that did this to me." he said sadly.

"i just want to know your name, you're a very strong kid." i said.

"my name is ricky." he answered.

back at home, i was still adjusting to the fact that i was alive. somehow, they made it so i never died, but ryan and i know the truth. people just believe i went missing, so i still get to reconnect with my friends and not make it awkward.  we decided to make music, which was pretty cool. and when i told ryan about ricky, he really wanted to write a book about it. we were hopeful that ricky at least found closure, the kid was sad. ryan is a creative genius, which is something else i've noticed. he likes the supernatural, and was a borderline witch when i come to think about it.

ryan and i live together. no burning buildings, no ghosts, no death. things are okay, more okay that they've ever been.

thank you, and goodnight.

nearly witches // rydenWhere stories live. Discover now