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Sansan's POV

'Why must it come to this?' Sansan's grumbled under his breath, cursing his unfriendly demeanor because he was unable to get his roommate to like him. Hopefully Felix will at least be kind enough to talk to him later. Sansan's mind finally cleared from his inner battle with himself and he look up to scan his room.

The room itself isn't very big, it only consist of two beds, which is floor level and upper level and two desks. Great, the design of the room is decent enough to lift his spirit and they will get their own privacy. Sansan's glanced towards Felix's bed and desk. His desk is messy, full of his stuffs despite Sansan was convinced that Felix just arrived today. His bed had a grey mastress and his blanket thrown to the side. Sansan shook his head while putting his own stuffs to the floor and start unpacking.

It's not that he can't just unpack tonight, but he was deadly tired and the thought of delaying his precious sleep time is a torture to him. Beside, he wasn't the type to delay any works he had to do when he can perfectly do it now. Sansan whistled when he realised he missed the black closet near his bed because he was too busy thinking about his embarassing english.

He opened the closet and find out a few hangers was put for him to use. With that, he happily unpacked his clothes from the suitcase and put it into the closet. He also unpacked a few of mandarin novels just incase he feel bored enough in his collage to read some. He ran his fingers through the books cover, he love mandarin books, the story might not be that good but it's cover is certainly enough to catch his attention. Well, he judge a book based on it's cover but what can he do to change his nature self.

Finally, it was his favorite part. Sansan's take out the poster of his favorite korean idols, Blackpink that is neatly tucked inside his books and he then began to hum to himself while arranging to posters and put it onto the wall. It at least will reduce the dullness of the bright white room- he felt like a prisoner.

Sansan then stare at his bed with longing, his bed with dark blue mattress and fluffy blanket certainly look inviting, but he had to know about his surrounding before he sleep, he doesn't want to get lost while searching for his class or arrive at his class sweating like a pig. With that thought, Sansan tucked his wallet and phone inside his pocket and walked outside, silently begging his ancestors so that he won't have to use his broken english too much.

While he was wandering around aimlessly, trying to absorb everything and lliterally anything he stumbled upon, he saw his roommate- Felix talking to some taller guys. Sansan then awkwardly trying to walk past them- well, not that he want to but he doesn't want to go back to his room before he finish seeing all of his class. But, just when he about to bow down to his imaginary ancestors in his head, Felix tapped his shoulder softly trying to gain his attention because- well, Sansan literally walk around them while leaving a wide bearth while bowing his head letting his soft black hair hide his face in hope that Felix doesn't glance his way.

Sansan stiffened and make a 180 degrees turn abruptly making Felix raise an eyebrow, clearly thinking Sansan was out of it but he also understand that Sansan must be nervous and overwhelmed by being in a foreign country. "Hello." Sansan cringed slightly at how awkward he sound, not that he want to. He certainly have no idea how westerns pronounce their 'Hi' it sounds as if they drag it as long as possible and he was so sure it will end up with him sounding like a frog trying to call out to the rain.

"Hey San, did you take a tour around too? Did you finish unpacking yet?" Felix carefully smiled at Sansan and keep his conversation short just in case Sansan unable to understand a complex english. Sansan mind then frantically trying to translate whatever Felix was saying, he was so sure he can see his brain flipping through a thick dictionary just trying to translate it as soon as possible. Sansan then replied "I finish unpacking already, just take a look around." Sansan carefully replying back with his asian accent clear with each word he uttered.

Felix mind literally blanked for a while trying to decipher whatever Sansan was saying. But it turned out, Sansan just say everything with a little weird backward pattern and it was easier for Felix to understand it now that he know Sansan's grammar just a little bit chaotic and messy.

"Is that so?" Felix threw his charming smile and he says "Say, I was chatting with those guys and they say one of the senior here will threw a party for his highschool friends and a new juniors like us are invited too, do you want to go with me?" Felix uttered the words a little slowly to let Sansan catch up and Sansan was awestruck to hear a 'Partay' word because it was slightly different that he thought it was pronounced. But he collected his thoughts and grin back to Felix, glad that he is still willing to be friends eventhough Sansan isn't exactly a good company.

"Ha, party? I love to, let's go!" While making a thumbs up to Felix. He can't help it, it was his first 'partaay' he can't wait to see if westerns really make those weird and noisy party with full of people dancing.

"Sweet! Tomorrow is our free day, the class won't start until Monday and the ceremonial won't start until Sunday! Let's pick out our outfit and get enough rest for tomorrow!" With that, Sansan was dragged back to his room like a rag doll.

Amused by this, Sansan humoured Felix and just let him do whatever that he loves. He find out later that Felix is not a bad guy, he's that type to befriend everybody- and way too curious for his own good.

Still, Sansan look forward for his first ever party in western country, he was hoping to get a new friend too- maybe there's an asian in the same boat like him too?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2019 ⏰

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