Chapter 1

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Heather's POV: I cannot believe Lindsiot got me saturday detention. I am so gonna get her back for this. As I exited my car and proceeded to make my way inside I grimaced seeing weird goth girl at her locker. Of course she was here, probably got caught doing a satanic ritual in the staircase. I sighed walking towards my locker. I opened and smiled seeing my reflection. I am so beautiful. I was cut out my admiring by the Dean and head cook Chef Hatchet slamming his office door. I turned around seeing everyone else that was supposed to be here. I must have been really into my mirror because I didn't even notice them come inside.


Gwen Foster, weird goth girl. As I like to call her. She was my arch enemy, normally I would be making fun of her for having detention. But I was here too so I really couldn't.

Duncan Nelson, school resident bad boy delinquent. He was crushing something with his shoe, presumably a cigarette. Of course he was here, he had detention like every Saturday.

Geoff Smith, huge party animal. Who knows why he had detention, it could be for anything really. He got in trouble frequently on account of him being friends with Duncan.

Alejandro Burretmo, school player. He was the biggest flirt, and could charm the pants off anybody even guys. How did he have detention? Him and me had a fling in the summer. So I was not prepared for this.

Courtney Barlow, overachiever. There wasn't much to say about Courtney. Other than she was super smart and ambitious. She stayed to herself and only talked to her one friend, Tom.


"Alright Maggots! To the library, now!" I rolled my eyes closing my locker walking with everyone to the library. Once we all got there we all sat at different tables, only Geoff and Duncan sitting together. Gwen sat in the back, Alejandro sat at the table opposite of Duncan, and Geoff. Courtney sat at the table ahead of Gwen and I sat at the front table.

"Alright it's 7:30 am and you guys aren't leaving till 4:30. Which means you have a whole school day to sit here and think about what you did!"  Chef yelled, I saw Courtney raise her hand in my peripheral vision.

"Dean Hatchet, I dont know why I'm in here.. I was only late to class because of the argument." Oh yeah, the argument. Alejandro and Duncan had a huge argument on Friday, I wasn't there to see it but it apparently got very serious. They almost fought.

"Looks like it's princess's first time in detention. Join the club sweetheart." Duncan snickered as Chef slammed his hands on the table. Which made Courtney jump, I turned in my chair so I could see everyone and was now facing Chef Hatchet.

"Shut it you nimcompoop! I don't want any talking!" I heard Duncan groan as he laid his head up to the ceiling spitting his gum in the air, I gagged as I saw Gwen lean her head back and catch it in her mouth chuckling lowly.  Chef paid no mind to that disgusting action and picked up a box from the floor.

"Now, phones. Let's have them!" I groaned as Duncan turned to him. "Why? I was gonna play Emo Guts to pass the time." Geoff slapped Duncan's arm gasping.

"Dude, I cannot get passed level 19!"

"It's so easy, after you get past the littl-" Chef cut them off yelling in their face. "Shut it Cornpie!"

"Can we have cornpie?" Gwen smirked as Chef glared at her. "No! Now, phone in the box maggots!" We all got up dropping our phones in the box, before returning to our seats.

"Your phone will all be right here, I suggest you don't touch them. If you know what's good for you." He chuckled lowly as I saw Courtney raise her hand again. She does know this isn't actual school right?

"I was just wondering, what's the plan for lunch?" She said quietly. Chef rolled his eyes moving from the box. "Well if you preterds get hungry, there's a box of pizza right there!"

Alejandro then gagged shaking his head. "That's pizza been there since last week, sir."

"Eat the pizza or starve, I don't really care!" I snickered looking at Chef. He made his way over to me placing his hands on my desk. I then smirked as I leaned on the desk looking at him. "We're not Owen, Hatchet we're not eating it. And if you don't feed us, you could possibly be thrown in jail. I don't want that, do you?" He started to sweat a bit as I leaned back the smirk still present on my face.

"Alright, not another word-" He barley got the sentence out as Gwen smirked from the back of the room. "word." He made his way over to her angrily.
"that's it Foster, you just earned yourself another Saturday detention!"

Gwen seemed unfazed as her eyes followed the big man. "Did I get a good deal on it?" He then pointed his fat finger in her face as he yelled.

"You just brought yourself another one!" Gwen sighed shaking her head looking at him "Okay look, I'm sorry I apologize." He glared at her yelling more.

"That's three, three saturdays!" Courtney then piped up from in front of her, her body twisted to look at them. "But she was apologizing.." Chef walked to Courtney's table banging on it before looking at her.

"Okay Barlow, now you got one!" Her mouth dropped looking at him. Her voice became dry as she spoke. "Why?!"

"Boom, another one! That's two, you wanna try for three!"

"Yes!" Duncan yelled infront of her, staring at the tan girl.

"Okay, now you've got three!" Geoff cupped his hands around his mouth whispering towards her.
"Mocha.. stop."

She looked at Geoff, her eyes widened in anger and confusion. "Stop what? Duncan said yes!" I smirked from my seat watching everything go down. I glanced at Alejandro and laughed.

"Guess he's afraid to give one to Alejandro!" Alejandro's eyes widened glaring at me before Chef made his way over to him. "Oh yeah, I got one for you too, fudge sack!" He yelled in his face as Alejandro slammed his head on the table. Chef then backed away from our tables.

"Anybody else?! Huh?! You mess with the bull, you get the horns!" He picked his clipboard up from a table and made his way out of the room. When the door closed I heard Gwen yell 'fuck you' as he made his way back to his office. It was gonna be a long Saturday.

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