Chapter 3

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Geoff's POV: "YOU CAN BRUSH MY HAIR, UNDRESS ME ANYWHERE, IMAGINATION LIFE IS YOUR CREATION!" I sung loudly running down the halls ripping stuff off the walls. I could hear Chef's shoes squeaking rapidly. He was trying to find where I was, I smirked singing louder. "COME ON BARBIE LETS GO PARTY! I'M A BARBIE G-" I was cut off from my singing as I ran into Chef Hatchet's chest. I fell on the floor and looked up at the big guy.

"You wanna party Smith! Well let's party then!" I put my hands up infront of me in defense. "Listen I.."

"Oh, you're in big trouble!" I swear I could see steam coming out his ears. I took a breath before speaking again. "For what?"

"For leaving the library cowboy hat, and singing off-key!" I furrowed my eyebrows as he grabbed my arm tightly. "Come on!" I started to protest my eyes widening as he pulled me down the hall but all he did was yell at me telling me to shut up.


He pushed me into the janitors closet coming in after me. I sat on a tool drawer and looked back at him nervously. "That is the last time Smith! That's the last time you run around these halls singing that, terrible song!" He shouted as I flinched a bit. He's big and scary, I can't help it.

"I'm sorry." I simply said as he pointed his finger at me. "No talking maggot!" I put my hands up confusion written on my face.

"You know where you're gonna be five years from now. You're gonna be somewhere begging for change. And all your little friends that go to all your parties. They'll be gone. Bye-bye." I looked at him with fear all over my face. He looked back and smirked. "Exactly. Silence, that's what I thought." He fixed his sleeve before jumping at me. I flinched hitting my back on the wall as he chuckled making his way out the closet. I heard the door lock click as I sighed leaning back.

I jumped down from the drawer looking around. I sighed again putting my hand on my hips. Was I really stuck in here? I saw a towel resting on the ladder, I moved it out of the way 'passageway to the library'. Okay, weird but useful. I climbed up the ladder and pushed the floorboard up to look around. The group didn't seem to notice me, as Alejandro blew smoke from his mouth passing the blunt to Gwen. "What I miss?" I said to catch their attention as everyone cheered. I saw Courtney sitting on the far right of everyone, I climbed up into the room kicking the floorboard back and made my way over the the group. I sat next to her and smiled, she smiled back softly before looking down at her hands again.

"Want some Geoff?" Gwen asked blowing circles into the air as I clapped. "Light me up G!" She laughed leaning over passing me the blunt.

Heather then looked at Courtney smirking. "Courtney.. you haven't smoked yet? Are we hogging the weed?" I blew the smoke out my mouth before moving my hand towards her. She politely shook her head, as I shrugged breathing in again.

"Hmm, are you a virgin to everything?" Heather looked at her as Gwen rolled her eyes and Courtney huffed. "Am not!"

"Why do you have to so mean all the time Heath?" I asked passing the blunt to Duncan as he laughed. "I know right? You're a total bitch Lee."

"I'm just honest, unlike some people here." She got up walking towards where me and Mocha were sitting. "Courtney!" She coughed before saying her name loudly.

"Alright, we get it Heather!" Gwen yelled standing up. "Who cares if she's a virgin and smoked weed or not? Just leave her alone, bothering her won't make you any better." I reached under the seats and pulled some beer bottles out, trying to ease the tension.

"I stashed these on Thursday, when Ms. Millener gave me detention." Duncan smirked after he passed the blunt to Heather. I tossed him, Gwen, and Alejandro one. I slid Heather hers and then offered one to Mocha, she shook her head again at my offer as I leaned back opening it.

"This girl doesn't drink either, what kind of high schooler are you?" I rolled my eyes at her and so did Gwen.

"Leave her alone."


After I finished my beer I jumped up, when I got drunk there was no stopping me. So when I ran out from where we were sitting, I heard Alejandro say something before they all came following after me. I cartwheeled across the walkway, as the whole group cheered for me. I kept dancing hopping onto a table I pulled my shirt off waving it around above my head as the others cheered. I threw it to them before jumping across the the other table and jumping back down to the ground. I ran back over to the group jumping into the air. They cheered as I passed them before I ran back where we were before.

"That was so random.." Courtney looked at us as Heather started to roll her eyes. "But I loved it!" She smiled as I high fived her.

"I'm telling you mocha, hang with me and Duncan. You'll never be bored."

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