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We finally get to the diner where I see my parents seating down while Jackson and my cousins take the orders from the customers.

"Thank you for the ride" I say

"No problem any time" He says, I nod

I get off and walk the 4 steps and open the door and I start eating the yell of everyone.

"Why did you get fired?!" dad yells laughing

"Why did I have kids with duh anger issues!" Mom says putting her head down on the counter, a few people laugh

"Aunty O!" my 3 year old nephew yells, I grab him and kiss him in the cheek

"Oh my baby" I says

"His my son" Jason says, Jason my oldest brother he looks just like my mother dark brown hair, green eyes, olive skin, and muscular body

"Where's Kara?" I ask

"I'm here" she says walking out the bathroom pregnant, Chase runs towards her and she picks him up

"Get working" dad says " we'll talk later, all of you" he says pointing to me, the twins, and my brother

We look at each other and get working, after closing time everyone had left. We were cleaning the tables and the dishes, we walk out the diner and dad locks the doors. Jackson and I keep on playing rock, paper, and scissors. He punches me when I changed my paper to rock.

We walk down the steps, Jackson gets in his mustang, the twins in the range rover, Jason, Kara, and Chase in the range rover, and my parents and I got in their range rover and we all started heading home. Jason and Kara live in a condo which is big, my brother, Janice, Amara, and I live in a condo too but are staying with my parents for a few days since their remodeling our condo.

We finally got home, we walk in the mansion and walk towards the kitchen.

"Why he fire you guys?" dad asks

"Well he kept on yelling at Ophelia to see a reaction but he only got it from Jackson, Jackson punched him and he fired us" Amara says, we nod

"Everyone hates him, even uncle Daniel" I say

"We don't all hate him" dad says

"Oh honey everyone hated him" mom says, we laugh

"Your working at diner until we get another wedding, you'll be working for us instead not for John he can get his own workers" Mom says, we high five each other

My eyes flutter open, I get up and walk towards the bathroom. I shower and brush my teeth, I walk back in my room.

I put on black jeans, white V-neck, and white converse. I blow dry my hair and straighten my natural straight hair, I out on mascara, eyeliner, and lip balm. I grab my purse and walk downstairs and enter the kitchen.

I sit down and start eating breakfast, after finishing we all start heading towards the diner. I took my BMW since I don't wanna run into the Mayan again. I park the car next to Jackson and my parents, I get out.

I wrap the apron around my wait and tie it on the back. I grab my purse and walk in the diner, I put my purse in the locker and start getting the diner ready and finally put the sign open. I turn around and sit on the stool.

I hear the bell ring, Jackson turns and groans. I turn and see its the guy from last night who brought me, I smile and he smiles back sending a wink.

"Jackson your first" I say

"No your turn" Amara says

"His the hottie from the party" Janice says, I laugh

"Ophelia go!" Mom yells, I widen my eyes and get up

I grab four menus and walk towards the table they were sited at. I walk towards them and smile.

"Welcome to Marie's diner, what would you like?" I ask

"Four coffees and the original breakfast just like it is on the menu" he says, I nod and write it down

"Niklaus Desai" he says, Niklaus his like the perfect man except his a trouble maker, shoulder length dark brown hair, deep blue eyes, olive skin, and muscular, his perfect face had stubble which went good with him

"Well Niklaus your order will be right up" I say, he chuckles

"You think I can get your number?" he asks

"Ill think about it" I say, he chuckles

I walk away and give the order to Jackson who was in the back. Several mins later the food is done and I take it back to them, people start coming in and we start taking their orders. I write the bill for the guys and write my number for Niklaus. I take it to him and walk away.

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