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I'm so tired! I didn't get home till midnight and fell asleep on my couch. I showered put on some black jeans, black V-neck, and black Nike shoes. my hair was in high pony tail, Janice had given me a ride to the wedding we were preparing for.

We had everything prepared and just needed to serve the food, when the guest walked in and sat down we served the hot steamy food and they seemed to enjoy it. When everything was over we all left home and let the people tomorrow clean up.

I got home and Laid down in bed and fell to a deep sleep. I hear a loud knock on the door, I groan and put a pillow over my head. The pounding keeps eyeing louder, I give up on going back to sleep and walk towards the door. I open the door to see Niklaus.

"Oh hey" I say, he walks in and grab me

"I missed you" he say, I smile

He brings me to a kiss and walks towards the room, we make sweet love over and over and over again.

My eyes flutter open, I see a sleeping Niklaus. His eyes flutter open, he smiles when he sees me. I smile back, he grabs me by the waist and puts me on top of him and I can feel him hard already.

"Good Morning " he says

"Good morning to you too handsome" I say leaving butterfly kisses around his neck

He flips us over him above me, he enters me and makes sweet love to me once again. He gets up and walks to the bathroom, he turns the shower on and we get in, the hot water running down our bodies.

After showering and brushing my teeth I walked into my room, Niklaus was brushing his teeth with a spare one.

I put on black lacy undergarments and rub lotion over my body. I put on a black tank top with white stripes, dark navy jeans, black cardigan, and black converse. I let my hair air dry as walk towards the bathroom, I start making some eggs, pancakes, and bacon.

"Smells good in here" he says, I smile

"Coming from a family who owns a restaurant is just the high light of my day" I say, he chuckles and wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me around my neck

"I wonder how those cooking skills will be later on" he says, I smile

"Sit down, breakfast is ready" I say " coffee, apple juice, mango juice or orange juice"

"Coffee" he says, I nod

I take out the mango box juice for me and serve him a cup of coffee, I pour juice on the cup and put it on the table. I sit down and we start eating, he seemed happy to have breakfast. I wonder if his ex-wife ever cooked for him, I know they have a baby now that's premature.

"You like it?" I ask, he nods

"So I was at the hospital yesterday and I seen your baby" I say " his very adorable" he smiles and nods

"Why were you at the hospital?" he asks looking at me

"My brother and his wife had their babies yesterday" I say, he nods

"Twins, boy, girl?"

"Twin girls" I say

"Ah so if you and I get to have kids they would be twins?"

"Yes most likely" I say, he nods

"The gang is having a BBQ tomorrow and we want you to be their since your part of the family now" he says

"But were not official" I say, he laughs making me blush

He gets up and gets on one knee.

"Ophelia will you be my girlfriend?" he asks

"Yes" I say, he laughs and gets back to eating

He left the house to get some things ready and I would meet him at the BBQ. I walk out the door and down to the garage, I get in my BMW and start heading towards the address Niklaus had given me. When I get their I see a lot of motorcycles, men, and woman, I get out my car and start walking towards Roxane.

"Glad you came" Roxane says, I nod

"Can you set the plates around the table, hun?" she tells me, I nod grabbing them

I walk towards the dinning room and see a large brown table, I start setting the plates and silverware. When I finish I turn around, I jump when I see a woman around my age blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, palish skin, and petite body, she looked like he was about to kill me.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Ophelia" I say

"Who's old lay are you?" she asks not introducing herself

"Umm, Niklaus" I say, she glares at me

She comes close to me and whispers into my ear slowly and threatening.

"Back off, his mine. I came back from Chicago for him and I'm staying here for him" she says, I roll my eyes

Usually men scare me, well some men do. But when a woman threatens me its actually quiet funny since they don't know who I am, I mean my father was kick boxer than retired to handle the company and met my mom, he taught us how to fight at an early age.

"Sweetie, if he wanted you back he wouldn't be with me" I say and walk off

"He still loves me, your just one of his hump and Dump, back off him or ill kill you" psh I though that the first time we slept together by he ended up writing a note

I walk back into the kitchen, Roxane stares at me and I smile. she nods and gets back I preparing the potato salad, when the food was ready we set it at the table and called all the men. I ran towards Niklaus and gave him a huge kiss, we walked towards some seat. He sat down first, I went into the kitchen to get a few napkins...Roxane's order. when I come back I see no other than the girl from earlier seating in my seat, I look towards Roxane and see her smirk.

"Sit with me" a girl says, she had brown hair, brown eyes, olive skin, and petite body

"Thanks" I say

"I'm Sara, Mickeys Old Lady" she says pouting to the men seating next to her, he had green eyes, brown hair, olive skin, and muscular body with a bear on his chin

"Nice meeting you both, I'm Ophelia" I say

"We know, your Niklaus Old Lady" she says, I nod and smile " ignore her, that's Regina Niklaus high school sweetheart until she asked him to run away with her to Chicago but he stayed and well now she's back for him"

"I can tell, it was actually funny when she tried to threaten me" I say, she laughs, her husband turns towards me and smiles

"Why is it funny? and what she say?" he asks

"She said I should back off him because he still loves her and he would dump me in a heartbeat for her, and if I didn't back off soon she'll kill me, and I found it funny since my father was a kick boxer and he taught me and my brothers how to fight at an early age" I say, Mickey laughs along with Sara

"Mind sharing?" Jim asks, Mickey shakes his head while Sara and I give each other a wide eye look

"I was just telling them about my brother" I say

"Why about him?"

"They think that having a twin either is weird since I'm a girl" I say, he nods

After eating we all walked to the back yard and watched the sun set, Niklaus and I were seated together snuggling to each other and the rest of the couples did too. When the sun went down Nik and I decided to head to my place, we walked inside and soon started making love.

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