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The men were seated in tables playing cards and drinking, I was tied up in the middle. They still haven't made the call to The Sons Of Anarchy, they have slapped me across the face and my face was stinging and they have slid my thigh cut with a knife, than they though it was hilarious to put lemon which made me cry more.

Everything is wrong, its morning already and they still haven't made the freaking call, I just want to go home and lay down in bed.

"Hello" I hear a male voice, one of the Mayan

"Put me on speaker" he says with a laugh " I want all you and the woman to hear"

"I have what you want and in trade we want the Barrette 96a1 all of them" he says, he just wants armory " or your previous girlfriend dies"

I couldn't yell or say anything since everything I tried saying came out muffled.

"Don't think I have her?" he says, he gestures to a man to take the tape off my mouth

"Help! please help! Niklaus please!" I beg tears sliding down more and more

"Sane warehouse as always, we want the trade tonight" he say and hangs up

He puts the tape back on my mouth which makes me angry, the men start preparing guns just in Case the Sons decide to just kill them and leave with me and taking the load of armor.

Several hours have passed and nothing has happened or have came. I guess his really happy with Regina, once I get out if I make it out alive I won't disturb him with the baby, I can raise them my own.

We hear the noise of three motorcycles, the Mayans look at each other confused. They stand behind me, the big wide doors open and I see Niklaus, Jim, and Mickey walking towards us with duffle bags of guns.

They set the bags down on the ground and put their hands up, the Mayan untie me and I run towards them.

Before I know it guns are being shot and I'm on the ground with Niklaus above me. We get up and look for safety, we kneel down. The whole gang had came except they were in the roof to kill faster and make it sneaky, Niklaus holds me in his arms until the shooting ends.

We get up and walk out the hiding spot, I see all of the Mayan men are dead. We turn around and start walking away, the men set the warehouse on fire and room their duffel bags full of guns.

I get behind Niklaus and he starts heading towards his house I guess, when we get their he parks the motorcycle in the drive way while the rest of the man left towards the club for their wife's.

He open the door, his house wasn't the biggest but just right to start a family but ill be raising my family at my apartment.

"Why?" he asks, I look at him confused

"Why what?" I ask

"Why did you cheat, I though we were good and that we loved each other, so why cheat?" he asks

Should I really tell him the truth or go with it, should I tell him that I got all this bruises because of the woman in the club thinking I cheated. I loved him and I would have never hurt him, but Roxane is his mother so ill follow her rule, stay away from him.

"It was never love Nik" I say, my eyes start watering till a tear drop falls

"It was nice meeting someone like you" I say before walking out the house and closing the door

I sit on the front step and full out cry, I grab my phone and call Jackson.

"Hello?" He answers

"Hey can you come pick me up?, I'm at Niks house ill text you the address" I say

"Okay ill their" he says and hangs up

A few kind later I see his black mustang pulling up at the front of the house, he gets out and runs towards me. He wraps his arms around and we start walking towards the car, he gets in and starts heading home.

"Wanna talk about it?" he asks

"Turns out, Niklaus hasn't been calling me or coming over because he though I cheated on him" I say "I still don't understand how they know if I cheated if their hasn't been a guy I've slept with"

"That's just pathetic, go to sleep all the blood is gone and you face would heal in two days" He says, I nod and get under the covers, I close my eyes and fall asleep

Jackson's POV

How the hell did Ophelia cheat, she loved Niklaus that's why she never spent that much time with us.

I look at my sleeping sister, I walk put the door and get in my car and start heading back to Nik's place. When I get their I see him seating on the front porch steps drinking and smoking.

"What do you mean my sister cheated on you?" I ask

"What you doing here? she sent you?"

"No she's pregnant and tired I let her go to bed and I came to see why would she cheat on you if she was happy with you" I say

"What?" he says confused

"Why do you think she cheated on you?" I ask once again

"My mother and some of the girls showed me a picture of her walking with a guy next to her" He says, Ophelia hasn't gone out with anyone other than us and him

"You still got the picture?" I ask

He nods, he gets up and walks inside the house. I follow behind him and enter his place, he comes back from a room and hands me the picture. I see Ophelia with a big smile, Amara, Simon, Janice, and Jason along with us, I had my arm around her shoulder with some shades, now I know why.

The guys was me, Ophelia and I are basically twins but with shades you can't tell we look alike and that we weren't related. I start laughing, I look up to Niklaus with a huge smile.

"Dude, that's me and Ophelia" I say, he raises a brow, he snatches the picture away from me and stares at it for mins

"I need to speak to her" He says, I nod

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