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Chapter 9:

*hendirx p.o.v*

5-28-2250-210- a.d.d.

I watch as Malaki and zed stare at the beautiful woman in front of us. All while Shes just smiling, gorgeously unaware at the type of attention that she is receiving from all three of us.

After v said that I don't think any of us said a word, we just fell in line and helped prepare to enter berlin.

I guess I wouldn't mind us all being with her.

Did I just think that? I mean I think its clear we all three like her like that, but Malaki and I need to be with zed first, before he gets his heart broken by kii-ea, who is soon to be married by men her father picks out. I think?

I wish we could all be with her. Over the last week we've all had dinner together every night. Sometimes lunch too. The four of us spend so much time together its crazy, She fits our group well too.

I mean the girl has a Nintindo 64 gaming console, that she made herself. That and she's good at super smash bros.

But I mean, could we even all be with her?

"I got you both some cake!" She says, cutting in to train of thoughts that were just beginning to dip into very kinky ones.

"Cake, is that what zed took you to do on your date together. Get cake?" LAki teases her, and I can tell she's confused.

But it only takes her a second to realize what he means, and her face goes red.

"We went to Berlin to talk and get food...I didn't know it was supposed to be a date.." she turned to zed, who was now also very red. Hes so cute like that. He looks up at her and smiles.

"I am so sorry I did not mean any disrespect! I didi not know you were trying to take me on a date. I would have been more prepared and we should have.."

"Kiki, it wasn't one ok?" at his reply her face falls but soon she covers it with a stoic expression. Zed must have noticed too.

"Wait! But I mean we can call it that if you'd like?" At this Kii-ea, was starting to soften her expression into one that I couldn't place.

"I mean It can be your first earth date? how about that? Then I can brag to your future husbands that I got to treat you right first! " I can tell zed is trying to lighten the mood. But I can see there is something else going on between them, because she keeps looking between me and laki, and zed.

Zed is just all smiles at her, but under his smile I know he's incredibly upset and I want to know why.

I watch her lean down to zed and whisper something in his ear, it causes his smile to fade and get replaced by a laugh from them both.

She pushed zed towards laki and I and she walks to the kitchen, I assume to get cake.

"What was that about little one?"LAki asks zed, who is still smiling like an idiot.

"Guys look." Zed takes a large inhale and exhale of breath, obviously nervous.

"I told Kia about how you guys hid your relationship from me. She wants me to hear you out. I know we don't have time right now, but maybe tonight we could all talk? I want you guys to know I'm ready to listen now."Zed says, rubbing his arms.

Laki walks right up to zed, closing the distance quickly. Zed looks at me confused but doesn't back off from lakis sudden closeness.

"Finally, little one. I think you'll like this talk."Laki picks zed up and squeezes him. Zed just blushes and nods to me for help.

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