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****This chapter contains sexual content and actions between boys <3<3****

toodles, xoxox

(you've been warned)

Chapter26:6-8-2250 210 a.d.d

*Zed p.o.v*

"Malaki, she didn't even have friends and she's taking like her childhood wasn't shit!" I vent, passing our room floor.

"I know-"

"NO malaki! I was treated like shit for being a Martian but at least I had you guys and people to talk to! I got to go to parks and play outside! SHE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE FRIENDS!" I keep digging the path in the floor.

"ZED! You don't think its hurting us too to hear her talk about it like it wasn't bad. Her and lex laughed about it! They laughed about fighting each-other to the point where they have scars!" Malaki picks my small frame up and sits me in his lap on the bed.

"It sounds like she really doesn't think her life was that bad." Malaki tells me.

"I want to take her somewhere fun, lex too. They need to know that fun is not what they had." I tell malaki, he nods in agreement.

"Maybe we could find somewhere she doesn't have to hide?"

"What about that amusement park in Sweden we fund 4 years ago?" I ask him, his eyes light up.

"I wonder if Kim will let us take honelle too?" Malaki asks. Before I could answer I noticed his eyes glazing over. He was like that for a few minutes. I just stood there awkwardly watching.

His eyes are so pretty either way. The nice grey tone hey et when hes in his head it beautiful. The thought barely leaving my mouth as I noticed the grey slowly departing his irises.

"Malaki?"I ask with no answer.

"Shit." He mutters getting up and leaving the room quickly. I follow right on his heels.

"Cookie! It's the exploration team from Russia! They say its urgent" He yells.

I see kiki-ea shot up the stairs to her office, grabbing her mask and voice disguiser.

We follow behind her quickly.

She turns the video call on and I see a very static screen in front of us, but you can make out the man from here. I almost forgot that these guys went to Moscow.

"Your highness, can you read me?" The man says, static dying down a bit.

"I read you, is everything ok?" She ask him.

"Your majesty, you're not going to believe this. So let me show you." The screen turns, and we see Hes in a tunnel. I'm guessing the tunnel that connects to here.

From here you can see hundreds of woman and children, no men besides young boys. He pans the camera over and we see tunnel cars, hand pump cars. They're all scared of the man before them and some older women have taken a protective stance in front.

The people look like their covered in scales. They're eyes look like lizards.

"Reptilians." Hendrix says. Surprising us all.

"They're mutants who can shape shift to human or reptiles, like shapeshifters, but strictly those two forms." He continues.

"Your majesty, they say they've been living underground for 210 years, since doomsday. Their men are on the surface, hunting. We followed a young woman down here. We don't know much of their language," Kii-eas men tells us.

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