What's the worst that could happen?

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I arrived at the firm feeling confident. As if what happened twenty minutes ago didn’t. I decided to spend the rest of the day catching up on admin with the Sokhulu case. A mining magnet charged with fraud. Plot twist, I was defending a female. My superiors always gave me cases that belonged to powerful females. I had always said I’d take a bullet for my fellow sisters. And that means getting them a reduced sentence and keeping them out of jail even if they were in the wrong. With this confidence, everyone would be convinced I didn’t mess the case up.

“So you’re just going to walk with your broad shoulders as if you’re supposed to be here?” Lwandile, my assistant, said.
“Is it that obvious that I’ve got my life in control?” I smiled
She faked a smile back.
“I wouldn’t be feeling like Miss World if I were you. Mrs Medupe called and threatened to drop us if you continued with your stunts”
I rolled my eyes and sat on her desk
“She’s dramatic. I swore that it won’t happen again and I know that it won’t. besides she’s acting like she isn’t enjoying Siseko’s money. Did you see how stiff her face looks after those botox injections?”
Lwa made a face.
“I swear we can’t tell if she’s mad or sad or being sarcastic. The rich” Lwa rolled her eyes
“Friend I have seen it all in this law firm. Did Mabuza contact you about me making partner?” I asked
“You can ask him now, he’s on his way here” Lwa fixed her face on her desktop as I jumped off her desk and hurried to my office.

“Ms Motsoaledi? I was on my way to Mr Nkosi’s office and I thought I should stop by and request your presence in the conference room. How about in thirty minutes time?”
Mr Enoch Mabuza was my superior. He was one of the partners, the only partner who believed in me. His other half was Joseph Swanepoel. A chauvinist. If I wanted to make partner, I had to stay in Mabuza’s good books.
“Yes sir, I’ll be there” I smiled. He smiled back. Men.
I followed him out to Lwa’s desk as if there was something serious I needed her to do for me. I stood there showing her a copy of an ad until he disappeared into the hallway.
“Spill the beans girl” Lwa said
“Your girl is about to make partner” I danced around her desk.
“Well come over into my humble abode for some champagne, maybe it’ll sort your face out” I said
“You’re delusional if you think you’re going to make partner after the stunt you just pulled. Pula you’re not God, stop thinking you control your fate”
“I’m not saying I do, I’m just saying I’ve planned life perfectly and it has worked out. Champagne?” I opened my office door
“No thank you Ms Motsoaledi. It’s during work hours”
“Wow party pooper. Uyabhora yezwa”
“Ms Sokhulu will be here in ten minutes. She needs a briefing regarding her case” Lwa said without shifting her gaze from her desktop
“Lwandile! And you think it’s wise to tell me now, ten minutes before she parades her Louis Vutton handbag in here?” Me
“I called. I texted. I left voice messages. But honestly I don’t even know why you have a phone. Let alone an Apple phone. You know every time you ignore it a technician in China gets a migraine? Pray for them Pula” Lwa.
I rolled my eyes. Lwandile was overly dramatic for no apparent reason.
“Please send her through when she arrives” I said.

“Girl I’d pick the Met over Durban July any day. The class. The maturity. There are a few sixteen-sixty year old couples. It’s the best champagne, sis. I promise you when we’re done with this case, I’m taking you to Durban July and then The Met. Just so you can feel the atmosphere” Nolwazi Sokhulu said.
“I wish I’d join you girl but you know I can’t afford a stylist” I said
“Stop sis, you’re in one of the most prestigious law firms, you get paid a six figure salary and you’re not married. Besides I don’t think you’d need a stylist, I’ve seen those Fashion Nova designs on your Instagram page. You just have to say yes. I promise I’ll take care of the alcohol, the accommodation, everything. Just say yes” Nolwazi
“How about we just wait for this case to end?” Me
“Whatever you say girl. Thank you so much. I’m so glad my case is being handled by you”
She kissed me on the cheek and gave a tight hug before she left. I could tell her life and reputation depended on this case. And we’d win, just for her.

“The Met Pula?” You don’t even have time to take yourself to Taboo on Friday night. Durban July and The Met should be out of the question” here goes Lwa again with spoiling my mood.
“I’m due for another vacation Lwa” I rolled my eyes
“One day you’ll have a family emergency and you won’t have any leave days left. For goodness sake be responsible”
“What’s the worst that could happen? I talk to my parents every day and they’re both healthy. The rest of the brood is doing God knows what somewhere in the country. Lwandile stop worrying about tomorrow. Tomorrow will worry itself”
I made my way to the conference room for my partner meeting. I Was Ready. Success usually came at late stages for most people. For example Oprah. But I admire her because she didn’t give up despite it all. Now I was Motlalepula Motsoaledi. The youngest and first female to make partner at Swanepoel and Mabuza Firm. Swanepeol, Mabuza & Motsoaledi. It had such a nice ring to it. The first thing I’d do is give Lwa a raise. My friend has been a pillar in tough times, even when I was dealing with racism, she was there. She deserves a raise more than I deserve this promotion.

I entered the conference room to see Mabuza and Swanepoel waiting for me. I had spent almost five years at this firm and this was the first time Mr Swanepoel was smiling, in my presence.
“Ms Motsoaledi, please take a seat”
I sat down with my heart racing. How would I react to this moment?
Should I act surprised? No, that would make me seem like a suck up.
I’ll just smile and keep the ball rolling.
“In March you celebrate your fifth year at this firm right?” Mabuza began
“Yes sir. And it has been an honour to work for you. I could have never imagined that I’d be working for one of the best firms in the country” I sound like a suck up, sies.
“Ms Motsoaledi in those five years you seemed to have learned a lot from us. We took you as a graduate and trained you to be Attorney Daily’s attorney of the year when you were just twenty six years old” Swanepoel chipped in
“Yes sir” I responded
“Unfortunately we have to let you go Ms Motsoaledi” Swanepoel was more than happy to say that.
“Excuse me?” I felt like I hadn’t heard correctly. Maybe the champagne was working in me. Of course Lwa warned me about celebrating early.
“Ms Motsoaledi you have been an asset to this company for a while now but unfortunately you keep letting us down” Mabuza
“How so sir?” I ignored the lump in my throat.
“Mrs Medupe’s court case was the third you were late for in your entire career. You carry your weight around as if you’re the messiah in this company. Last year you took time off, claiming that your grandmother was sick and you were the only one she had left, only to post your Zanzibar vacation on Instagram” Swanepoel
“Sir that was true. She encouraged me to take that vacation because she believed my job would kill me. Besides, I’m entitled to leave. And the Mrs Medupe case was not on purpose, my car was having issues, I had to jumpstart it” Me.
“Ms Motsoaledi regardless of all that, you lost the Sibanyoni case which was the biggest case in the country. You refused to take pointers from Mr Nkosi and that resulted in your failure. Your pride has led to your downfall” Mabuza
The room felt hot and the walls were spinning. This couldn’t possibly be my life.
“But I’m still busy with the Sokhulu case. I can’t let Ms Sokhulu down, she only trusts me” the last chance to save myself
“We have assigned your cases to Mr Nkosi and Ms Jantjies. We’d like to thank you for the contribution you have made to Swanepoel and Mabuza for the past few years. But unfortunately we have only earned nothing but a bad reputation in the past year. However we will write you a well-deserved referral” Swanepoel
I slowly stood up. They could tell I was in disbelief.
“Thank you so much Mr Mabuza, Mr Swanepoel. It really was an honour working for you”

I slowly walked to my office in disbelief. I had wished I could pinch myself. Nothing felt real right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2019 ⏰

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