Disney movies

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So with Dick and Disney movies he loves watching all of them but his favorite is going to be the little mermaid he loves the classic little mermaid not the newer one he says it doesn't really follow the story. He also gets really sassy when one of his brothers come in his room telling him to stop singing.

Jason won't show that he likes Disney movies but when it's just you two he will show his soft side. When you do watch movies you always watch bambi and he always crys when bambi's mom dies.

Tim he likes Disney but not as much as dick (actually no one likes Disney as much as dick he has a room just for Disney it's kinda creepy ) but he likes the movie Big hero 6. He likes it because of the futuristic stuff that is in there.

Like Jason Damian likes to hide the fact that he likes Disney because he doesn't want to seem like a baby but he likes the movie's but you would be surprised on what movie he likes he likes the movie the princess and the frog.

Bruce doesn't want to watch Disney movies because he says it's just hiding the truth about the real world but when he is alone he will be watching Disney movies and when something sad happens the big bad bats crys.

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