Chapter 3

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(No one's POV)
The morning came afterwards and it was the day before they had to leave to go to their new apartment. So just as Dean promised Quinn last night about the date he told Quinn he would take him out as soon as they finished there breakfast.

(Quinn's POV )
I was trying hard to eat my breakfast slowly because this was my first date in ages since the last one I had which was a disaster and adding on how THEY treated me it didn't help my depression. So if I'm being honest I was really nervous about this thinking things like what if he didn't like me? He's going to think I'm a mess... He won't like someone as ruined as me would he?

Dean: "Quinn? Ready to go?"
Quinn: "Ye...esss I'm ready?!"

Dean: "Mum were going out for a bit well be back in time for dinner"
Rain: "Alright dears stay safe! Me and Mai will stay here and have a girls day then"

(No One's POV )
Dean grabbed Quinn's hand and quickly pulled him out the door and into the car and as soon as they workers buckled up he drove away.

Quinn: "Where are we going?"
He said while secretly trying to admire Dean from the sides. Dean notices from the corner of his eyes while driving and smirks.
Dean:"Hmm...somewhere really nice and fun"
Quinn:"(●__●) no clues at all...?"
Dean while smirking "Nope"

Quinn starts to pout then stares out the window watching the trees pass by when he notices they came to a rocky mountain place with rocks,  cliffs, deadly hangers or so as Quinn calls them. It was when he saw that they came to a stop by a parking lot and when they parked Quinn started to worry.
Dean noticing: "Heyy relax im not taking you somewhere to secretly kill you "
This only made Quinn worry more.  Dean got out and went to open Quinn's door to which Quinn refused for a few minutes before Dean princess carried him out the car then locked it.  Then Dena have him a piggy back ride to where they were going with a basket in hand.

It was only when they came to a well lit small cave near the edge of a cliff,  and when Dean set up the blankets and blow up mattress on the floor of the cave did Quinn realise that he had set up a picnic for them on a comfy mattress with blankets with a gorgeous and breathtaking view over  the cliff to look at. Quinn looked at Dean with loving eyes while he just stared back with a knowing smirk as if to say 'arent I amazing planning all this for you!'.

Quinn: "T...thank you for this Dean"
Dean: "Well I do want you to have a magnificent first date now come on let's eat the food before it gets to cold"
Since it was basically lunchtime as it took a few hours to get there they stared eating and somehow along the lines Quinn ended up being fed food by Dean which he didn't mind and just relaxed into Dean's arms.

After they finished it was around 2pm in the afternoon and they were meant to be back by 7pm for dinner and the ride was 1hr and a half they made a deal to leave around 5pm. So in the mean time Dena suggested that they play 21 questions to get to know each other.

Dean: "what's your favorite colour?"
Quinn:" because it's cool and calming and fun to paint with! What's yours?"
Dean:" Hmm nice choice mine would be maroon because when you add red more red to the colour it looks beautiful...So when's your birthday?"
Quinn: "It's on the 9th October,  when's yours?"
Dean: "Mine is on the 16th of September so in a few weeks, Do you like painting?"
Quinn: "We should do something for you! I..I can bake a cake..and yes I love painting it's a hobby I like to do to calm me down when I have bad days. What's your favorite hobby?"
Dean:"I'd love to taste a cake made by your hands and my hobby is to play the flute"
Quinn:"That's awesome! Could you maybe play for me in the future?"
Dean:"Well I actually brought my flute wanting to play for you so your in luck"

Dean got out a case from the basket and opened it to a beautiful silver flute with intricate designs on it and also his name engraved into it. It made Quinn hold his breath as it looked so fragile and something that should be handled with care. After Dean put it together he made sure the mouth piece was clean and started playing a popular Ed Sheeran song called Perfect and it bought tears to Quinn's eyes when he was finished.
Quinn made sure to clap his hands and reached out to kiss Dean on his cheek.

Quinn:" That was beautiful!"
He says while wiping his eyes.
Dean: "Thank you your the first person I've played it to on a date now we should get going"
As he says that he looks at his watch and notices the time just turned 5pm.

They packed up their stuff and as soon as they were they ready they were off,  stopping by a drive-thru Starbucks where they both got a Strawberry and Cream iced drink. Soon they arrived at home by quarter to seven. Dean opened the door to see Mai and his Mum in the kitchen with his Dad making dinner and they seemed to be gossiping about the two.  So Dean signaled to Quinn to be quiet as he closed the door quietly and they eavesdropped on the others chat.

Rain:" Do you think they would have had sex by now?"
Dickson:"Sweetheart what nonsense are you spouting they are both still young no-"
Mai:"Rain I kinda think they would've I mean didn't you see the sexual tension this morning like I think something happened last night because  during breakfast Quinn was totally staring at him while drooling"
Rain:"Hahaha I thought I was the only one who noticed that, but dear husband why don't we bet on it?"
Dickson:"Fine how about £10 goes to me if they haven't done anything 'sexual' recently touching included but I will give £10 to the both of you if they have touched or down anythig 'sexual' "
Rain and Mai at the same time: "Even kissing is included?"
Dickson's sighing:"Yeah sure but I doubt it!"

Dean butting in: "Well dad you might as well give them there money now"

As Dean does this Mai who is getting the cutlery almost drops them, Rain was about to burn herself and Dickson managed to avoid cutting himself while cutting the salad.

Mai,Rain and Dickson at the same time:" DEAN OMG DON'T DO THAT!!!"

Quinn was standing at the side watching everything happening and couldn't help it but he burst into laughter and ending up in tears after laughing for 5 minutes straight which resulted in his stomach hurting but who cares this was a comedic scene in front of him who wouldn't laugh. Everyone just ended up staring at him like he was a bit crazy. Quinn noticed and wiped some imaginary dust off while trying not to laughter again.

Quinn:"Lmao...your faces are just like (┳Д┳) and it's like...hahaha...I'm sorry"

This made Dean and Mai smile since Quinn had seemed quite quiet lately.

Rain:"Hmph well I'm glad that was entertaining now why don't we all settle down and have some dinner while my dear husband here go looks for the money he owes"

That evening after dinner was eaten and money was given everyone decided they were quite tired as they had packed up most things to go after dinner so they retired to bed. Apart from Dean and Quinn.

Dean:"Quinn...can I ask you a question?"
Dean:"Will you do me the honors of being my boyfriend?"
Dena turns to stare at Quinn and widens his eyes when he saw him in his hoodie whilst wearing some tight green laced panties which made his Jr a little excited but he tried to suppress it. Quinn widens his eyes to Dean's question to which he replies...

He quietly shouts while launching himself on Dean who was only wearing boxers and pj bottoms putting his sexy, droolworthy abs on show.

(A/N YELLO Ist yah girl TINK here soooo yeah I know I said I'll update but you know...other stories have been keeping me busy especially now I'll be quite busy with my mock exams coming up 😭😭😭.  But either way I will update tomorrow and I'll see if I can make a sexy scene but it won't be too extreme cause that's too fast you know!!!!
And I know this chapter is too short but don't expect much from me I'm a lazy,  procrastinating author who is trying to make some books and not posting chapter even though I don't have writes block...but I'll try!!! Cause I really want a lot of people to read my books so I'm hoping to do 25-30 chapters on this before making anew book.  Btw if I haven't mentioned it before I will write sexy scenes, neutral scenes and such but there will be very little angst in my stories sooo yah beware anyways I love EVERYONE THAT READS THIS BOOK SO DO RECOMMEND TO OTHERS 😉😉.


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