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I am imperfect.

From my straightened hair to my stubborn attitude

I am not a morning person.

I get all my nourishment from chamomile ginger tea

For a boost of energy

like a rocket shooting up to the sky.

Although it's seems that I'm stuck.

I'm rooted to the earth,

the roots of a dark oak tree the roots are weaving around my body, pulling me to the ground below the the musty solid dirt.

I stand still as the dusty purple sky fades as the sun flows below the horizon.

All night, I thought long and hard and came to a conclusion.

All imperfections are perfect.

The sun rises with pastel tangerines,

and the roots disappeared.

I am imperfect. 

From my frizzy hair to my quiet personality.

I want strawberry waffles with my sunrise and sunsets. 

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