Chapter one

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"Hey Moon girl, how are the stars" A guy sniggers with his friends.

Emmy tugs on my sleeve so I don't say something back to them.

My name is Astrid Green. I'm 16 and 3/4 and my only friend is Emmy Grant. The name she was born with is actually Emily but if you call her that, you won't like the consequences. Emmy is 16 and 1/2.

I live in books. Emmy lives on the Internet. People are jealous of the lives we live.

"Moon girl, I asked you a question, answer it."

I sigh and move my fridge out of my eyes.

"I'm not 'moon girl' my name is Astrid." I start confidently, "And the stars are burning as we speak..." I say, not so confidently.

Unlike Emmy, I don't mind a little bit of confrontation. I like my name and I love my books and my Best friend and everything she likes. If someone doesn't understand that then they can get out the way and walk a mile in our shoes. If they still decide to make stupid comments, at least they're a mile away.

With that, I pull Emmy through the crowd of idiots and out of the school.

She sighs.

"What?" I ask knowing she's going to complain.


"I don't know, something had to be said, maybe they'll learn something." I smiled

She smiles at me then we casually walk down the road.

Then I spot a book, lying on the side of the road.

I run up to it with Emmy just behind me.

The book's cover has a teenage boy looking out at the reader. I don't usually feel this with a book but I felt as if he was looking at me.

"Romance book." Emmy says simply. Knowing fully well that I didn't really like romance. Si-fi is more my thing.

The weird thing is I feel the need to read it.

"Yeah..." I reply distantly.

I put the book in my bag without even glancing at the blurb to see what it's about.

I chatted with Emmy until we got to her house. She had a nice house, it was a two story terrace That she shared with both parents and a brother. I was jealous. You'd be jealous of a lot if you only lived with your mum in a flat above a Chinese take-away place. If I left my window open, all my clothes would smell of Chinese. It remind me of a book I once read. An Unfortunate Fairy tale by Chanda Hahn.

I continued to walk to me and my mothers flat but I could not forget about the book as I shut my eyes that night.


A/N: It's InnocentPuppy here.

So yeah what do you think of the first chapter???.

Yes, an unfortunate fairy tale is a real book. Go read it! it's awesome.

Another has joined the bandwagon that is this book (littleunicorn9)

Haha so anyways we where all nearly late for registration/form room/home room whatever you want to call it discussing this book.

It's going to be crazy. Thats all I'm saying ;).

InnocentPuppy x

(Edited by Blxndie 10/09/2014)

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