Chapter 7

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Curse maths. Curse School.

I run out the school door and down the road. I never stopped running away.

Curse Emily. Curse bullies.

I know exactly how to get away.

Curse reality.

I stop running, put my bag on the floor and pull my book world out.

He's looking at me with this worried expression. Tears fall down my face as I open the book.

I feel myself falling. I let out a scream then I'm in someone arms.

The arms belong to a man who's comforting me.

"I...can't...anymore." I whisper into his shoulder.

"Awful things are survivable, because we are as indestructible as we believe ourselves to be." Ashs' voice rings through my ears.

This makes me smile slightly. "John Green." I finish for him.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"No." I sniffle, "How could she do that to me."

"Because she's mean. Let her be. It's her loss."

I'm still wrapped up in his embrace when I realise that I've soaked his shirt right through.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry I hardly know you I'm so..." I try to pull way but he holds me tight.

"It's okay really. This isn't reality. Imagine my shirt dry."

"What?" I ask him.

He pulls me back and looks into my eyes. "trust me."

I didn't care anymore about anything except this world. I trusted him with my life. "Okay."

I close my eyes and imagine his shirt dry. Dry as a bone, before I cried on it.

"Open your eyes, Astrid." He says smoothly.

I open them to reveal a dry shirt.

"Oh my..." I say, "What in the blazes?"

I touch it.

"It's dry? How can it be dry?"

I look up at him and he's trying so hard not to laugh. This makes me smirk and before I know I'm laughing so hard I'm crying. I've never laughed this hard before.

It felt good.

This was my happy place. I was happy here.


A/N: Sorry this is a short update!!

I just wanted to write this one.

Stay awesome!

InnocentPuppy out.

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