Chapter 5

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I get out the shower, pull on some black leggins and blue shorts and a grey top.

I step out the bathroom and walk back to the bedroom... Where Edward was sat on the bed.

"Edward, explain." I sit on the bed next to him.

"It's Eddie, Edward is too posh and formal." He says without looking up at me, "and explain what?" With this he looks up at me.

"This!" I throw my arms up in the air to emphasise my surroundings. "Am I dreaming or what?"

"Oh right, your in the book."

"I'm in the book?"

"Yeah... Call it book world."

"Okay, what happens in 'book world'?"

"Life, death and stuff."

"What happens if I die here?" I ask him.

"You go back to reality."

"What happens when I die in reality?" I ask.

He gives me a 'really?' look and then says "You die Astrid, that's why it's called reality." He says with a slight sarcastic tone.

I make an 'O' shape with my mouth then realise that I was being an idiot.

"Can I go back to reality, without dying here?"

"Yes, every time you want to come back pick up the book."

"Okay, can I go back now?"

"Sure..." He trails off and turns back to to look at his hands."

"How do I do it?" I ask him.

He looks at me then climbs off the bed. "Lie down, close your eyes and I'll count to five. When I've reached five open your eyes."

I lie down on the bed without a word and close my eyes.

He slowly counts the numbers from 1-5.

When he reaches 5 I open my eyes. My ceiling. Weird.

I sit up and it's my messy bedroom. Was that real? I glance at the clock.

It's 7:15. I'm going to be late for school. Stupid reality.


A/N: A lot of talking in this update but whatever.

Put away your pitchforks and torches. Astrid will be back in the book soooon (ish)

Keep being awesome or whatever you do.

InnocentPuppy out.

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