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I walked away. Far from home. Nobody cared for me. Nobody.
Unless I talk about my friend, Brendon.
He's a cool character, fun to be around, there's never a dull moment with him. He cared. He cared a lot.
I couldn't cope with the mess of my family, my 6 year old brother always having temper tantrums, my 16 year old sister always moaning about this boy who didn't like her back, my father always looking sad and my mum shouting at all of them to cheer up. It was a headache.
I decided to run because it was in the middle of the night and they wouldn't notice I'd gone until morning. I didn't know where to go, just to run.
I was running enough to make me feel un-easy as I collapsed on to the nearest bench. My head pounding, I ran a mile, non stop, it was hell.
All I could think of was where to go next.
I had enough money to last me up to 3 weeks in food but then I had no job, my school was 5 minutes away from where I live but I couldn't go back, my sister attended there and would drag me home with her, no way was I going back to that dump. My phone lit up as a message from Brendon:
'Hey, your Snapchat says you're in the middle of town, at 1:46AM, any reason?'
Stalker You smiled.
'What you doing tracking me down weirdo? 😂'
You texted back adding a '😂' at the end.
'Well, I was bored and half- asleep so I went to find somewhere to go on holiday. It was a game but like I didn't know what the heck I was doing 😆'
He replied.
'What?!' You texted back, confusion filling up your mind.
'Just come round and we'll talk.'
He texted.
'No, your parents will hear and drag me back home.'
You hurriedly replied.
You could see the 3 dots to show he was texting. After about a minute, they disappeared and instead a phone call was replaced.
You pressed the green accept button since it was Brendon and the fuzzy photo of your best friend popped up.
"Why you outside?" I asked him, looking at the hidden trees, popping out behind his head.
"To find you, obviously." He said rolling his eyes. The light from his screen was lighting up his features and you could see he had big bags under his eyes.
"I'll be a minute, I know where you are." He said before pressing a button to end the call.
You were left by yourself in the cold, breeze, shuddering at the temperature. You hadn't brought your coat which was a bit stupid but you managed to pull a jacket from your carrier bag. It was bright pink, not appealing to your eyes since you liked darker colours.
Suddenly a dark figure peeked put from behind a nearby bush. The familiar outline of hair that rested upon his head, you knew it was Brendon instantly.
"Brendon!" You said, smiling and getting up from the bench to hug him.
"Why you out here?" He patted you on the bag and let go.
"Had enough of them." You sighed, looking down.
"So you weren't joking about running away huh?" Brendon asked, a noticeable wave of sadness hit him.
"I'll miss you." He coughed awkwardly.
"Don't need to, you can come with me." You replied, the new idea made you a lot more happy with the situation.
"I-I-(y/n), I can't come, my parents won't like it, they'll find me and tell me off, ground me for god knows how long and ban me from doing stuff I love like skateboarding, SKATEBOARDING (y/n)!!!" He huffed, a bit of anger bubbled in his face, making it red.
"Calm down Brendon." You smiled.
"You don't need to come but thanks." You smiled.
"Where will you go?" He asked with a hint of confusion.
"My aunties house, she's a touch less nicer than you but better than my household people." You sighed.
"Look (y/n), your aunt lives an hour away, you need your family and school, you want to do well in life and become a famous writer or whatever it was you wanted." He said, eyebrows furrowed.
"Yeah, you're right, It was a bad idea." You smiled internally, he knew you too well and you'd miss him if you moved away.
"Wanna stay at mine for tonight?" He offered, pulling out his phone to check the time, 2:00AM.
His lock-screen was of a photo of the both of you, Brendon kissing your cheek while you were laughing, I definitely couldn't live without B.
"Yep, if that's alright."
"Yea! Just expect to be taken home by My parents later." He shrugged.
"Oh, okay."
Brendon looped his arm around your neck and you both trudged over to his house, bats flying above your head, fox's scurrying around looking for food. It was a chill night, no sirens or car horns, just the clean, clear air filling the beautiful night sky.
The end.
Ok I'm losing inspo so if you have an idea for an imagine pls ask me, keep it sensible not anything rude cos yeah, gotta keep it clean! So yeah just comment ideas if u have any pls and thx! 💞
Also pls follow my Ig: caprisun_beeboi

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