New school p1

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You slipped the last pencil back into your pencil case, zipped up your bag, and mounted your bike. You were certain you knew the way to your new school.
You'd been in this new town for a couple of weeks now, and you'd found your way around it rather easily.
Finding a familiar route, you brought your bike to a stop, as you reached the school.
It was a tall, dark grey building, really unattractive. It had windows with moss growing around it and enveloping any sight of a crack in the wall.
It looked haunted.
You began to edge your way closer to the building, parking your bike at a bike stop. Another bicycle lay on the floor, looking uncared for. You picked it up and leant it against the wall.
"Well, I see you made your way here in rather good time, (y/n)." A voice said, from behind your back. "Huh?" You spoke, without thinking.
"Huh indeed." Said the voice again.
"Come in." She said, you realised it was your new head teacher your mother had called.
"Okay." You said obediently.
"This is the office, this is where you enter every day at 8:30AM." She said, pointing to the big clock on the wall, it read 8:15AM. Darn, I was early.
"This is the hall, where you all gather for assembly." She said, showing you a massive room, filled with a stage and multiple rows of seats.
"And, I'll take you to your classroom, we have someone who will help you around." She said, smiling.
"What's your name?" You asked her. Realising you never got it.
"Mrs Bush." She said, abruptly.
"K." You replied.
You followed her timidly, regretting asking her that. She took you down a set of stairs, leading to a door that was covered in light blue paint.
"This is your form room, inside is your guide for the school, his name is Brendon." She said, and with that, she left.
Why a boy? I was rubbish around boys.
"Okay, get yourself together (y/n)." You told yourself, before you realised the door was already open, and a boy with a brown mop of hair, stood before you. He smiled, his teeth showing honest greeting. "Hi, I'm brendon."

[DISCONTINUED] Brendon Urie imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now