What the..

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(Hi! New update! Hope you keep reading!💖💎)

After Lavender's set, her and her friends went back out to the park. Everyday they go and sit in a gazebo and Paige and Gabby bring their homework and notes so that they can teach Lavender what she would learn in school.

Paige "So, where did we leave off yesterday, Lavender?" Paige says, opening her backpack.

Lavender "On..our spelling drill!"

Paige "Great! Let's keep going. Magnificent.

Lavender " M-A-G-N-I-F-I-C-E-N-T, magnificent."

Paige "Very good! Unimaginable."

Lavender "U-N-.. WHAT THE WHAT IS THAT?!" She screams as she points to two giant hands in the sky, right above Beach City!
They all gasp as they look up and see what she's talking about, and Stephan screams and jumps like a little girl!

Lavender runs back to the cafe and her friends follow.

Lavender "Did you see that?!"

Stan "Yeah! What the heck was tha-a-at..?" He stutters as the ground shakes under them.

Random Guy "Giant Hands, THE END IS NEAR!!"
People start to panic and then it suddenly stops. Stan turns on the tv and the live news is all over what's happening.

Reporter "We are here live at the edge of beach city, which has been closed down and evacuated, and we are trying to get a closer look at what looks like three giant hands. One of which is coming from underground! Oh my and it looks like the so called 'Crystal Gems' are fighting what looks like a giant, blue gem."

Everyone is in awe, especially Lavender.

Lavender "One, What the heck is a gem, and Two, who are the crystal gems?!"

Trent has an epiphany and suddenly gasps.

Trent "LAVENDER? I know what you are!"

Lavender "What?"

(Hi, hope you liked this chapter and I'll update soon! Bye my Off-Colors!)

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