Chapter 2: Prisoner

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When Pip woke up, he was being jostled in the back of wagon, his hands tied uncomfortably behind his back. A soft orange glow burned through his eyelids, so he must have been passed out for several hours. Barely cracking open his eyes, he surveyed his surroundings. He was lying on a heap of straw in a small wooden wagon. A slim young man with curly blond hair was driving, while a much larger, darker man sat in the back with Pip. The larger man looked very powerfully built, and although the driver was small, he reminded Pip of a coiled rope, strong and capable of handling more than his size suggested.

Pip decided to take advantage of his captors' momentary lack of attention. His fingers slid over the knot that tied his hands, working to find the end. While he silently worked on the knot, Pip listened curiously while his captors talked.

"You needn't complain so much, Hesten. We did our job." The driver's voice was crisp and clear. The larger man grunted.

"I'm just sayin' I don' know why we was the ones who had to get this varmint." He aimed a kick at Pip, who stifled a moan with difficulty. "He ain't nothing but trouble."

"You can't handle a little boy?"

"Course I can! I just don't think he's worth nothing to the boss. Why would he want the little thief?"

"You were thinking? No wonder you are in such an insufferable mood." Pip heard a thud as the driver received a punch in return for his jibe.

The carriage went over a bump, knocking Pip's head against the cart. This time, he failed to stifle his groan.

"Oy! Ee's awake." The large man called to the driver. Now that his ruse was over, Pip opened his eyes fully and looked the man in the face. He looked like a hard man, someone around whom a wise person would tread carefully. Pip, however, never put much stock in wisdom. 

He had managed to free his hands and celebrated his freedom by punching the man in the face. It felt like punching a brick wall. The man barely flinched. Undeterred, Pip drove his foot into the man's knee. The man stumbled back, giving Pip a time to throw himself onto the driver's seat. Before the driver could react, Pip slipped the rope around his head. Pulling the rope tight around his captor's neck with one hand, he took control of the reigns with the other. He tugged to the right, causing the horses to veer off the road. The sudden movement made the cart jerk, tipping over both his captors. Pip jumped out of the wagon and plunged into the forest, dodging through the bramble at top speed.

With a roar, the big man hoisted himself out of the cart and bounded after him. His companion was close behind. But Pip had an advantage in the forest. The trees grew close together, creating spaces only Pip's slender frame could slip through. If he could only lose them long enough to climb a tree unnoticed. With any luck, they would never find him.

Luck didn't favor him. His foot hit a log, landing him in the bramble of the forest floor. He nimbly rolled to his feet, prepared to run. But before he could, the sandy haired man plowed into him, pinning him to the ground. This time he was in no hurry to return to his feet. A rough rope once again secured his hands behind his back and he was lifted bodily from the ground. To his humiliation, his captor began carrying him, like a child in his arms, back to the wagon. Although he was nearly fifteen, Pip was small for his age, making him an easy burden for the strong man.

"I can walk." Pip told his captor, who ignored him. "I'll walk!" He said more forcibly, struggling against the man's grip to prove the point. He paused, considering Pip. After a moment, he nodded and set Pip's feet on the ground.

"Yes, I dare say you will." He said as he tightly gripped Pip's arm and roughly marched him back to the wagon. He talked to Pip as they walked.

"I don't blame you for trying. As far as impossible escape attempts go, that wasn't bad." Maybe Pip was imagining it, but he thought he heard a note of satisfaction in the man's voice. He went on, "I'd try too, if I was in your situation." He stopped to look Pip in the eyes. His eyes were unwavering and intense. "But if I catch you trying to escape one more time, I will make this situation very uncomfortable for you. Understand?"

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