Chapter 6: Testing

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"I said in five, not six and a half." Ligart berated them irritably as they shuffled onto the field. "Knowing exactly how much time has passed is an important skill, one that could save your life."

With all the life-saving skills he lacked, it was a miracle Pip survived long enough to join the Vigilant.

"For this first week, we will be testing basic skills essential to the work of this organization. Since the testing will not take all day, you will also be continuing with calisthenics and training."

The boys let out a collective groan before Pip asked, "What's the point of this whole score and rank thing?"

"The point, Pip," Ligart answered. "Is to prepare you for your future assignments as the Vigilant. A point I believe has already been made clear to you." His tone indicated that Pip was not to question his instructions.

Pip shrugged. "Whatever."

Ligart glared coldly at him. Then his gaze shot to something behind Pip's shoulder. When he looked back at Pip, he smiled. "It seems our judges have arrived."

Pip turned to see Bet, Emerick, and Reuben strolling towards them. Bet smirked maliciously, making Pip realize what made Ligart smile.

Ligart returned to announcer mode. "As the main role of the Vigilant is as an intelligence force, one of the most important skills, if not the most important, is gathering information and verifying its validity. To do this, you must gain the trust of, or use leverage against, the person with whom you are speaking."

"Could ya talk normal person talk?" Odinel interjected.

A brief flash of annoyance crossed Ligart's face. As he opened his mouth to speak, Emerick stepped up to explain instead.

"What this fine chap's trying to say is: Pretend you're on a job and you've found a bloke who knows something useful. How are you going to get the information? You needs to be smart about it, else he'll see right through you and clamp his jaw shut. You also needs to know if what he's saying is true, or if he's just pulling you along for a spin. Get it?"

There was a general murmur of affirmation from the boys.

"So, how're ya gonna test that?" Pip asked.

"Glad you asked, Mr. Pippinstone." Like Bet, Emerick never called him Pip. Since Pip wasn't a proper name, he took it upon himself to give him many 'proper' names. But Pip doubted any sane mother would ever inflict such names on her child.

"You will be tested by none other than myself, Sir Emerick Walden Anderhausen, Master of Performance and Detector of Falsehood." He said, giving a flamboyant bow. "You, my good sir, will be the first contestant." His arm twirled in Pip's direction.

Pip rolled his eyes at his theatrics. "Well to start, I'm pretty sure that's not your real name."

Emerick laughed. "Very good, Pipsternbrook. But the test has yet to begin."

"Yes, yes." Ligart stepped forward and cleared his throat, eager to finish his interrupted announcement. "There will be three stages to the test. First, you will be given a scenario in which you will attempt to retrieve information from Emerick without revealing your real identity."

"Second, you will create an alias for yourself while Emerick probes you with questions, searching for holes in your story."

"Third, you will be paired up. Each of you will ask questions about your partner's life. Neither of you can lie. Whoever learns the most information about the other wins." Ligart's instructions came out staccato, indicating that the earlier interruption left him bristled.

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