Chapter 7: Testing Part II

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The hilt of his knife pressed against his skin as he strode over to Emerick. He didn't dare look down to make certain it was hidden.

"Ready to begin?" Ligart asked.

"Would it matter if I wasn't?"

Emerick laughed. "Catches on quick, this one does." He winked at Pip. "Of course it doesn't matter if you're ready. In the Vigilant, if a chap's not ready, he's likely dead."

"This round, you will be assigned an alias which must hold up under Emerick's scrutiny." Ligart addressed Pip, but he spoke loudly enough for the rest of the gathered boys to hear. "Pip, you will be a merchant's son from the western border of Nancoto."


Pip threw up his hands to keep Emerick from talking. "You mean that's all I get to go on? That's not an alias." Pip knew his protest would be ignored as always, but it gave him a few moments to tick through the tidbits of information he knew about Nancoto. Pip had never been to the small neighboring kingdom, but he'd been near the border.

"What's your name young fellow?" Emerick's voice cut into his memories. His stall hadn't lasted long.

"Alphonse." Pip used the name of a Nancottish traveler he had once found lost on the side of the road. His name may not have been the only thing he stole from the man.

Emerick whistled. "Mighty fancy name." he commented.

Pip sneered, adopting the condescending tone and thick accent that marked many of the citizens of Nancoto. "Zat es because jour people have such uninteresting names."

"Ah, you may be right. In fact, I know a lad who goes by the horrid name of Pip." Emerick's eyes twinkled as he took a jab at him.

Pip refused to be foiled that easily. So he nodded in agreement. "Jes, zat es horrid. Jour people do not know 'ow to name der cheldren."

"Maybe we can learn from you. How did your parents pick your name?"

Yes, how did they? "Alphonse es de name of my mojour's fajour. He es a knight of great valor."

"Really? What was he decorated for?"

Pip went with his standby: feign ignorance. Or actually be ignorant. Both options had their appeals.

"Decorated? What es du meaning, what you say?"

"Decorated. You know, commemorations for his valor and what not."

Pip just gave him a confused expression, mixed with a little contempt for good measure.

Emerick sighed. "Ah well, guess we'll just change the subject then. Shall we, chap?"

Pip saw an out and ran with it. "As much as I louve convoursation with zee common people of Arysonia, my fajuor gave me important work to do."

Without giving Emerick time to answer, Pip sauntered towards the other boys, effectively ending his test. Ligart was apoplectic at his blatant disregard for formality.

"You were not dismissed! Return to your assessment immediately!" He yelled, flailing his arms for emphasis.

"I dismissed myself." Instead of walking back to his exam, Pip sat down next to the other trainees. He leaned back on his hands and surveyed Ligart nonchalantly. "If I were really on Vigilant business, I'd want to control the situation and choose when and how I leave the conversation. Not to brag, but I think I did that outstandingly. Actually, scratch that." Pip raised a hand in the air, wiping away his words. "I did mean to brag."

Ligart's long face turned an angry shade of red, but Emerick stepped in before he could return to shouting. "I believe the lad's right, Ligart."

Pip's eyebrows inched up his forehead. He hadn't expected any of the instructors to approve of his actions. Devils, what does a guy have to do to earn some aggravation from his superiors?

At least Ligart obliged his wishes. "He is NOT right. He is insubordinate, undisciplined, disrespectful, un- ..." His face grew darker as he sputtered out adjectives to describe Pip's actions. When his face began to resemble a radish, Emerick decided to step in.

"Relax, my good man." He slapped Ligart on the shoulder as he spoke, throwing Ligart into a coughing fit. Emerick pretended not to notice Ligart's lack of speech capabilities. In fact, Pip thought the corner of Emerick's mouth quirked upwards as he continued patting Ligart's back. This turned out better than he thought it would.

A glimmer of movement drew his eyes to the approaching figure. Wisps of dark brown hair had escaped Bet's top knot, clinging to her forehead in the still, humid air. The summer heat had left the rest of them looking drained but Bet somehow managed to look even more fierce. Or maybe that was just a byproduct of the Pip's healthy fear of her.

He hoped she was miffed, but not so miffed as to actually hurt him. With Bet, he walked a very fine line. She waited to speak until Ligart's coughing fit died down. She probably wouldn't have waited so long if she hadn't tried to 'help' him by slapping his back with a force that could break branches. "I agree with Emerick. The Pest did control when and how he would leave the situation, which is exactly what should be done on an actual mission." Pip's eyebrows disappeared completely into his shaggy hair. He slapped his face to make sure he was awake. In no world did he expect Bet to praise his actions.

"But you are also correct, Ligart." She continued. "The boy is insubordinate and should be punished for his disrespect for his superiors."

"Exactly!" In his elation at having someone agree with him, Ligart's voice rose in pitch and volume. "The boy should receive no points for the round. Nay, he shall receive negative points."

Now that was a punishment Pip could live with.

"No," Bet shook her head. "Pest should receive full marks for his performance." Wait, what? This wasn't going in the right direction.

"Then what do you suggest for a punishment?" asked Ligart. He gave Pip a look that said he would heartily approve of any punishment that involved physical harm.

She looked into Pip's eyes and smiled. He shivered, knowing he would hate the next words out of her mouth.

"Send him on his first mission."

Whispers broke out among the boys at her words. Ligart's happy expression faded back into his normal, irritated sneer of distaste. "You want to give him full marks and a mission? Do you understand what an honor a Vigilant's first mission is? Why not give the boy a celebration with puddings and custards?"

"I'd fully support that punishment." Pip's input was promptly ignored by his trainers, but next to him, Odinel snorted. Pip smiled. Someone thought he was funny.

Bet was undeterred by Ligart's protests. She continued smiling, which made Pip nervous. Bet showing happiness meant there had to be a catch somewhere.

She addressed Ligart, but kept her cold, dark eyes on Pip. "With the proper choice of assignment and supervision, I can assure you that it will not be enjoyable."

"And who'd you have in mind for supervising the chap?" Emerick asked. Pip knew the answer before it left Bet's lips.


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