Chapter 2

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The next morning I wake up to find all the other boys including Aaron were still asleep. Good I think I'll have the bathroom to myself. I wipe the sleep from my eyes and grab my things bounding to the bathroom. I run through the shower and jump into my uniform then I go back to the dorm to grab my bag.

As I make my way to the common room I notice a post up on the board saying that quidditch tryouts are coming Saturday. Great I think first years are allowed on the team this year. I can tryout for the keeper position I'll just have to get dad to send me my broomstick. Hoping to get an owl to him right away I rush down to the Great Hall finding that I'm the only one out of my house awake.

I grab some toast and start buttering it then I pile some eggs onto my tray along with some bacon. It's even better than last night I say to myself. As I finish my breakfast I see a few more people file into the Great Hall looking sleepy. Still not seeing Aaron I decide to start my letter. I grab a piece of parchment and a quill and start writing.

Dear dad,

My first day at Hogwarts was great. They are letting first years play quidditch! Could you please send me my broom by this coming Saturday? The food is amazing.



Oh! By the way I'm in Gryffindor. Tell Al And Lily I said hi.

I look over the letter once more and then seal it . Hopefully my parents will have written me a letter and I won't have to go up to the owlrey I think as all the owl come pouring in. As I thought they did write and when I say they I mean everybody. My immediate family alone sent me a note each. I put them into my bag only leaving one of them out as I tie my letter to my fathers owl ,Rasputin. I look at the owl and remember the stories of ,Hedwig, my fathers old owl who died during the second war. I grab another slice of toast and let the African Grass Owl nibble bits off of it before flying off with my reply.

Just then Aaron walks up and says "Hello,"

"Careful," I say jumping a bit.

"Alright I won't sneak up on you anymore just please help me with classes," Aaron whines.

"Ok, it looks like our first class is transfiguration. Let's get going I can't wait to try and transfigure something!" I yell enthusiastically.

"Wait! I just got here I'm hungry." Aaron said indignantly.

"Oh sorry I was just so exited. I guess I could go and check something out while you eat." I say uncertainly.

"That's fine with me. I don't care what you do all I know is that I have a good way to get to class and a fellow prankster," Aaron answered

"Then I'll be back in ten minutes?" I ask.

"Yeah sure thats fine with me. That should give me plenty of time to eat," Aaron said eyeing the food hungrily.

I start to walk away and head to the seventh floor corridor. When I arrived at the tapestry of Barnabus the BarmyI thought of a place where I could be alone. Before my eyes a door appeared and as I walked through it I saw that it had everything one would need to study. So this is what my dad was talking about. The Room of Requirement a room designed to give you anything you needed.

Crud I mentally pounded myself in the head. I only have a few minutes to get to class. I run down the stairs and grabbed Aaron from the great hall and sped off to Transfiguration. The bell rang a second after they sat down but when they looked at the front of the class all that was there was an eagle. Wondering whether the eagle had a message I start to stand and reach out my hand. Right at that moment however the eagle spread his wings and turned into Professor Fizban.

"Brilliant!" I exclaim.

"Thank you Mr.Potter. That's my animagus and would you do me the pleasure of getting to class a few minutes before the bell?" He replied.

"Of course sir," I reply quietly.

"Then be so kind as to sit down," Fizban said curtly.

"Yes sir," I say again. I sit down and shut my mouth hoping not to be noticed very much.

"Alright class now that all the distractions are taken care of we can start the lesson. I want you to copy down everything I put onto the board then you can come up here and try to transfigure a match into a needle. The incantation is on page 23 of your textbooks. Begin," he ended with a flick of his wand. Instructions immediately filled the board and the group of surprised students began to dig in their bags for parchment and quills.

Ugghh... this class was not going to be my favorite I could already tell. By the end of class nobody had been able to transfigure anything and everybody was muttering about how this was not going to be a good class.

"Wow that teacher was a bomb," Aaron said uncomfortably on the way to their DADA class.

"Yeah I know I hope the next teacher is better," I say walking into the DADA classroom.

I sit down and look around the room. It has black curtains over the windows and candles lighting the room. As I look toward the darkest corner of the room I see movement out of the corner of my eye. A man with light brown hair and piercing blue eyes looks at me and moves out into the open.

"Hello students," he says in a booming voice.

"Hi," everyone mumbles back.

"I am Professor Bloodwynd your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Now the first thing about Defense that you should know is to never look an enemy in the eye. Can anyone tell me why?"

I raise my hand uncertainly hoping that I am not the only one who knows that the answer is because of


"Mr.Potter I presume?" he says.

"Yes sir the answer is Occlumency," I reply cautiously

He looks at me triumphantly and says, "You are correct Mr.Potter," he smiles, "alright now everybody get out your wands. We are going to try a spell today,"

I get out my wand and stand up as the desks we were sitting on turn to cushions before my eyes.

"The incantation is Reducto. You may begin," Bloodwynd says.

Ok I can do this I think. I hold up my wand and say quietly "Reducto," the cushion explodes into pieces of dust.

"Who did that?" Bloodwynd asks suspiciously.

I raise my hand, "It was me Sir,"

"Could you do it again? Just to prove it," he says looking impressed.

I nod my head and hold up my wand again,"Reducto," I say a little louder. The new cushion explodes and I look down at my wand in wonder.

"Very impressive Mr.Potter, very impressive," he says as the other kids stared at me awestruck.

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