Chapter 3

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The rest of the week went by in an uneventful fashion and before I know it Friday night was here and my broomstick still hasn't gotten here. I was worried. What if dad never got my message? I walk back up to my dorm but before I get there Lorcan Scamander walks up and gives me a message.

Dear James,

I am sorry that this letter got here late but the order I put in took a few days to arrive. If you go to your common room window there should be a package. Hope you like it.

Your Famous Father

P.S. Congrats on making Gryffindor and Al and Lily say hello. Please write back.

I run all all the way back to my common room. Then I take the steps up to my dormitory two at a time. I get to the top winded and sweaty from running so much but it is worth it as I look out the window to see an owl.

Opening the door I take the package and find another letter from my father saying to take the package to the Room of Requirement and open it there. As I dig in my trunk I find the Marauders Map tapping it with my wand and saying,"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," to find any teachers. Nobody is near the room so I slowly creep out of the dorm and sneak my way down to the common room trying to avoid any unwanted attention.

Looking around the room I see nobody but first years all studying or talking. So I go out of the common room and sprint to the Room of Requirement. As I enter the room I see a table and a chair set up. I sit down and lay the package on the table curious to see what's inside.

Not being able to contain my excitement I tear open the wrapping to see a brand new SilverStreak 700. "Wow," I whisper awed that my father would get me this. Next to it I find a pair of gloves the color of Gryffindor with my initials etched in a gold color. I put my hand into the gloves and find that they are the perfect size then I will the Room to get bigger. I just had to try the broom.

As the room expands I mount the broom and then kick off the ground as hard as I can. I rocket around the room finding the peak in the speed I can go. As I slow the broom I find an enchanted Quaffle flying toward one side of the room. Streaking over I hit the ball away from the room saving what would've been a goal in a real match.

I practice for a little while longer before touching down. Then using a simple shrinking spell I found in a book shrink the broom into a necklace sized charm and put it onto a chain I find on the floor of the room. I make my way up to my dorm quietly and find that the other boys are already asleep and as my head hit the pillow I fall asleep.

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