Shell Town

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     " We're finally here! We made it to the naval base town." exclaimed Luffy, as he and Coby took the lead, walking around the town.

     " NOW, LET'S EAT!" shouted Luffy. Just then a large fist came down of Luffy's head.

     " Don't forget why we're here brat! We aren't on vacation, you're here to train so we're going to the base." announced Garp.

     The crew continued on until they reached the rusty iron gates of the relatively small naval base at the center of the town. Garp banged on it hard and even made a dent before two marines arrived to open it.

     " Welcome to Shell Town, Vice Admiral Garp." said the marine.

     As Luffy walked through the gate, picking his nose, he observed his surroundings and thought to himself that it didn't look like much of a naval base. They walked through the doors and into the common area.

     " Captain Morgan shall be down in a moment, sir." reported the marine.

     Luffy walked around the place, picking up all of the fine vases and sculptures, and dropping most of them.

     " Luffy, stop doing that! Haven't you heard of the ruthless Captain Morgan?" implored Coby. Just then, heavy thudding could be heard from down the hall.

     " Why the heck would I care that that old piece of crap Garp is here?" roared a deep voice. From the shadows of the hallway appeared a tall, muscly man. He had a metal plate guarding his jaw and a large axe attached to the end of his right arm.

     " Pleasure to see you Morgan." said Garp.

     " Can't say the same abot you old timer, but I can understand your joy. I am the great Captain "Axe-hand" Morgan." muttered Morgan.

     As Captain Morgan continued to insult Garp, many of Garp's men became angry. Garp hushed them down quickly.

     " I assume you have recieved the memo from Marine HQ?" asked Garp.

     " Of course I have, I just wanna know why you chose to take over MY base," insisted Morgan.

     " That's none of your concern, know your place," commented Garp.

     After that, Morgan shut-up for a while. The rest of the day went with the crew being introduced to Morgan's son Helmeppo, being awared of their duties and being shown their rooms.

     Later, that night ...

     " So Grandpa, why are we at this naval base?" inquired Luffy.

     Garp groaned, having wanted to keep it a secret from Luffy and have it as a surprise.

     " The reason I chose this naval base was because it's close to Foosha Village and I thought that after your training we could stop there to visit Dadan," explained Garp.

     After that, Luffy happily went to sleep, ready to begin training the next day and eager to see his friends at Foosha Village.


     The next day was enitrely training. Garp took Luffy, and Coby at Luffy's insistance, to an isolated training ground where they excercised and fought all day with no food. Luffy could easily defeat Coby so Garp had to tie a boulder onto Luffy''s back so that Coby would have a chance. At the end of the day, Garp told Luffy and Coby to go to either end of the field and then he set a plate of food in the middle.

     " First one to touch the plate get's the food, but you'll have to go through me first!" declared Garp.

     Almost instantaneously, both Luffy and Coby sprung at the food. Luffy almost had his finger on it before Garp kicked him into a tree. Coby tried to take advantage of Garp's distraction but he suffered the same fate as Luffy.

     Luffy tried to go straight for taking out Garp but he was no match for his grandfather's strength. Coby tried to sneak in and touch the plate but he was no match for Garp's speed.

     This went on for hours until both were exhausted. Coby tried taking off his shoe and throwing it at Garp's face while he went for the plate. This almost worked but Luffy jumped in the way, landing on the plate.

     Luffy arose in victory, only to find that he had crushed the plate and his food settled on the ground, covered in sand and dirt.

     " NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" wailed Luffy.

     The rest of the night went with Luffy trying to eat the scraps off of the ground while Garp treated Coby to dinner with the rest of the crew.

     " I never said the loser couldn't eat!" chuckled Garp.

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