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★彡 𝐒𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐀'𝐒 𝐏.𝐎.𝐕 彡★

When the bus finally arrived at our school everyone on the bus rushed off, trampling me and Tony.

"Damn they sure are excited to go to school." Tony huffed.

We got up and got off the bus.

"Alright Toner have a good day bud, and stay away from Turatello's they are no good" i reminded him while doing our handshake.

"You bet, see you later Soph" he said walking away.

I made my way to my first period, French.

I walk inside and everyone brings there attention to me. After about 3 seconds of the staring contest between me and the class they went back to there conversations.

I decided to sit in the front right next to a girl who had really curly hair.

"Hi, I'm Miya. I am your new friend." the girl chirped.

Wow she's a preppy one..

"Hi I'm Sophia, nice to meet you miya" i replied with a small smile.

"Do you know your way around? Because i can show you around during lunch, if you want." She said pushing her curls behind her ear.

"Alright class sit down time to learn" the teacher, Mr.Rosario said.

The class sat down and he started class.

About 30 minutes into class a boy walked in like he was all that.

"Nick why are you late?" Mr.Rosario asked.

"Because.... I can" he sassed.

"You know just because your dad is Chris Mara and he's some macho man around town, doesn't mean you do whatever. Now take your seat and let me finish my class" He snapped at the boy.

Mara. His dad is my dad's enemy. Holy shit.

"Nick is so damn fine" Miya said interrupting my thoughts. "He's alright." I shrug.

Class finishes and I get up and leave to go to second.

"Hey Sophia wait up!" i hear Miya call behind me.

"I was wondering if you'd like to come with me and a few friends to lunch. We're having Ralley's" She asked.

She is too damn nice. Sheesh.

"Yeah for sure." I simply replied.

"Well see you then" She said running off to her next class.

I went to go find my locker which was 1720.

So I walk down the hallway to look for it.

1718, 1719, 1720!

"Found i-"

"Wassup mamas" A mysterious voice came from behind me.

I turn around and was greeted by a face that i wanted to be no where close to.

Nick Mara.


so miya's faceclaim is in the thing up top and imma update this again later.

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