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★彡 𝐒𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐀'𝐒 𝐏.𝐎.𝐕 彡★

"Uhh hi..." I said to the boy that was looking me dead in my eyes.

"You tryna come out to lunch with me and the boys" He asked moving closer as if he wasn't close enough.

"Uh no thanks my friend already invited me" I said in a shaky tone.

"You sure mamas?" He asked grabbing onto my thigh.

"Hey hey buddy hands off my sister" i heard coming from the hallway.

That's not tony.

"What?" Nick asked looking at the boy.

He was tall, like really tall. He had brown hair piercing blue eyes. I'd be lying if i said he wasn't at least a little cute.

Nick backed away from me "see you around mami" he winked and trotted off shooting a glare at the boy who just saved me.

"Hi i'm Hayes" the boy said. "Did he hurt you or anything" he asked looking up and down my body checking for bruises. "I'm fine" i say with a small giggle.

"Well i gotta go i have anatomy and Mr.Hills is gonna kill me if I'm late see you around hun" and with that he vanished down the hallway.


It's finally lunch time and I walk out of my career and technology class.

I make my way to the lunch room and look around if i can find miya.


Found her!

I walk over to her table and she sitting with two other girls and three guys.

"Hey Soph! Is it okay if i call you that?" she asked.

"Yeah of course hun, care to introduce me to your friends here" I say curious to know who these people are.

"Oh yeah! This is your new friend group." she said pointing at the circle of students. "Guys introduce yourself." she said finishing off her sentence.

The first to speak was one of the guys. He had blond hair and a lot of rings on his fingers.

"Hi I'm Corbyn, I like to play fortnite and I hate Nick Mara." he said with a smile.

The next to go was a girl. She was gorgeous. She had long black hair and she was super skinny and she had really cute rings on. "Hi, I'm Joslyn but you can call me Jossy, Miya here is my best friend and my cousin is Nick Mara, but i hate him ever so dearly." she said withe a scowl at the mentioning of Nick.

Up next was the other girl. She had really curly hair that was pink and her skin color was an olivy color. "Hi I'm Nikayla but you can call me Kayla I'm not that interesting but like, that guy right there is my boyfriend." She said pointing at a guy that was sitting across from her.

He was honestly really really cute. He had soft curls and glasses. "Hi, I'm Brandon and that girl right there is my girlfriend." he said pointing right back at Kayla.

And then the last guy finally spoke.

"Hi i'm Hayes, and i think we've met before." he said.

My "brother"

"Oh yeah... thank you by the way, you saved me from him and my dad." i said with a light chuckle.

"Anytime Soph." he said to me.

"WELL... now that we all know each other shall we get lunch?" Miya said in her cheery tone.

"YES" everyone else at the table cheered.

We all got up and we made our way to Miya's car.

"Hey i call shotgun" Corbyn yelled. "You always get shotgun" Jos whined. "He just wants to sit next to Miya and flirt with her" Brandon said in a mocking tone.

"Shut up, you sit in the very back to fuck Kayla, so hush" Corbyn snapped.

"So that explains the white stains on my seats" Miya said unlocking her car. We all burst into, laughter.

"Y'all are gonna have to pay to get that cleaned up because that's just fucking nasty" Miya said getting into the car.

We all get into the car and Miya turns the car on.

"TO RALLEYS" Jos yelled.

"That was loud..." Hayes said


why'd i take this down

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