(Part 2)

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Hours later the curly haired officer’s hearing had returned. But to her dismay, a constant beeping interrupted the relaxing rest. Her eyes slowly fluttered open.

 “Oh thank heavens, you’re awake,” breathed a familiar voice. Turning her head and straining her eyes against the onslaught of harsh lights, she realized that the speaker was blurring in and out of focus.

 “Hmmm?” She groaned, subconsciously.

The powerful spell of slumber was dwindling and she found herself growing more alert by the minute.

Her aquamarine eyes gradually regained their ability to focus and clearly soak in the settings and the speaker.

 Weakly she breathed, “Mr. Miles?” 

 The silver haired man readjusted his chair and took the young officer’s hand in his own. “I’m right here, my dear girl. And there is no reason for formality.” 

 Struggling, she tried to sit up to greet her Godfather. AJ hadn’t seen him in a long while. 

 “Now, now don’t fuss. Lay back. You were in a rather gruesome accident the other day. You need to rest,” the gentleman chided with a tone radiating gentility.

 Obediently, she sank back into the bed. Her head throbbed as it tried to piece together fragmented flashbacks.

 “I….. I think… think…. someone….ta…tampered …. with…. with my car,” AJ mused aloud, wanting to return to work instead of resting.

 “We can talk later,” Devon cooed, brushing the young woman’s curls away from a huge bruise on her forehead.

 “But…” AJ started in protest but she was interrupted by the sound of the door swinging open.

 “Listen dear girl, I promised your father that I’d take care of you. However, I do have a conference to attend. Will you be okay if I leave for a few hours? I do promise to come back when I am done?” Devon inquired softly.

 “Sure… I think I’ll go back to…to sleep now,” she added, wanting him to know she didn’t mind his departure.

The introduction of AJ Liberty and Kannon to F.L.A.G. (Knight Rider Au fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now