Memories of Adam- Memories brought back from children

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Hello, I really love this story

I hope you love it too

The begging is short but it is still great.


"Aunty Ellie, can you please tell us about Grandpa Adam?" I slowly lifted my head to see my grandchildren sitting down on the couch beside me. The fire lit in the fireplace, and I was holding my cup of tea. Placing it on the counter, I looked at my little ones. There was Ashley, Sarah, and Liam. Ashley was always my favourite because of how much she reminded me of me when I was little. Ashley was 15 years old. Blond hair, tall, and curvy. She had Adam's Green eyes though. I always felt sad when I saw them. Sarah was 9; a tiny version of Ashley except her personality was much more like Adam's when we were together. Liam, Liam was 14. He reminded me too much of Adam. He had his brown hair, green eyes and very muscular for his age.

"I guess it wouldn't do much harm." All their faces lit up and little Sarah curled up into my lap. "Now where to start. Ohm, I know... It was 1935; I was your age Ashley. I was waiting with my family by the docks; looking for my older brother's to come home from there great journey from war. My sister's; Jezebel, Lauren, Poppy; were all together in the great crowds of people. Before I really get into my story, I should tell you that I was a very snarky child." I looked at Ashley and saw her look at me in awe. "Like Ashley!" Liam and Sarah shouted. I snickered. "Yes, just like Ashley."

"When I was 18, I believed that man could never love a woman for just her soul. The women would have to be pretty and not speak back in harsh tones. Of course I was beautiful but I was one of the most snarky people there. My sister's were the complete opposite.

"Then I met your Grandpa Adam... end of story." They all groaned. "Grandma! Come on, please." I sighed. "Okay. Where was I? Oh yes, I was waiting for my brother's patiently. Then a huge boat filled the seas and my sister's and I squealed in delight. Running forward, the ship docked and a large piece of wood was brought down. That was when I froze. On a great horse, came down your Grandfather. That moment changed my life forever..."

I closed my eyes and the memories came fast and hard.


Hope you like the beggining


<3 love you all

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