The sapphire

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"Then I met your Grandpa Adam... end of story." They all groaned. "Grandma! Come on, please." I sighed. "Okay. Where was I? Oh yes, I was waiting for my brother's patiently. Then a huge boat filled the seas and my sister's and I squealed in delight. Running forward, the ship docked and a large piece of wood was brought down. That was when I froze. On a great horse, came down your Grandfather. That moment changed my life forever..."

I closed my eyes and the memories came fast and hard.


"Ellie, Jezebel, Poppy, Lauren... It's so great to see you." My brother wrapped his arms around us all and we consumed in the smell of sea and blood; the smell of war, but I wasn't concentrating on my returning brother's embrace. No, I was concentrating on the man beside him. The man who had returned with my brother. "Connor, where is Tyler and Bradley?"Poppy asked slowly, using her little voice. Connor's face turned sad, and little tears spread through Poppy, Lauren and Jezebel's eyes; but I was still staring at the strange man." I continued.

"Who was the man, Grandma?" I paused as little Liam asked me with big eyes. "Your grandfather, Adam. He was the most handsome man I have ever seen. Brown hair, hazel eyes, and hot body." I giggled at the last part, even though it was all true. "Grandma!" Sarah complained while Liam covered his ears. Ashley just gave me a disgusted look and laughed silently in her mind. I knew that because I would have done the same.

"You guys should go to bed; it's almost eleven at night." They all groaned but I could see the sleep growing in their eyes. I slapped there bums as they passed and they barely noticed.

Once I was positive that they had gone up to bed, I slowly sat up. My old bones cracked slightly, and I walked over to the bookshelf. Removing 'Weathering Heights' I pressed the hidden button and the secret compartment snapped open to reveal my old sketch book.

I opened the crinkled cover, and ran my fingers through the old beige pages of my sketches.

I skipped through the pictures of Poppy, Lauren, Connor, Tyler, Jezebel and my father. Then I landed on that wanted picture of Adam. His masculine form and face shot out at me like a remembrance bullet of the past wars and struggles. The light smile on his face was roughly sketched and his neat hair was shaded into a smooth reveal of perfectness. As I ran my wrinkled fingers over his cheek bones, and closed my eyes, it was if I was really touching him. I could smell his smell, his breath lingered on mine and his touch stung from each touch he gave me.

I opened my eyes and looked down at the old wedding ring on my finger. It was old and was his mothers. The sapphire hugged the silver band of the ring.

"I miss you Adam Moriss." I whispered.


I hope you liked this new part

I tried not to give too much away about Adam, but I like too anyways

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