New Berk

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I'm also going to say nightfuries, nightlights, and lightfuries live for quite awhile, because I couldn't find their age anywhere)

This is Berk, new Berk as we call it now, we used to have an uncommon pest around here, to which we befriended and to protect them, made them all leave us.


You were born and raised here in New Berk as some called it. You'd heard all of the many stories of the original Berk and many dragons that lived there, or at least had lived there. Many stories of Hiccup and the nightfury. He'd passed away long ago, and your mother enjoyed telling you his many stories of them, for he was your mother's grandfather, and your older brother was next in line for chief.

Your brother would be a great Chief, he was always there for you, he'd gotten to meet your great grandfather, who'd sadly passed away on your birthdate. You always looked up to your brother, because he got to meet the great Chief. Sometimes you'd try to steal boats to find this so called edge of the world, and the hidden world. Your brother always watched out for you, he always caught you in the act and stopped you.


You were turning 16 this year, your brother was receiving the talk about becoming chief by your father. You sat in your usual spot, the highest point of the island, looking off into the distance, the endless blue of ocean before you. "Are they real? What if it's only myth.. great grandpa was probably crazy" you sighed. Looking down, tears dropped from your eyes suddenly. You wanted to believe the stories, but overtime, you were losing hope. Looking below you, near the docks, you'd noticed a small boat, a smile snuck its way to your teary sad face.

You traveled down the peek, making it quickly to the beach, before a hand landed upon your shoulder, you groaned in annoyance "Robin! Please! Just... Let me go" you begged your brother. Robin Haddock, had a great ring to it, (y/n) Haddock, well, it was interesting. You looked at him sadly. He grumbled to you "Sister, it's dangerous out there, who knows what creatures lay beneath the sea surface, you mustn't travel alone" he assured. You looked to him and spat "dragons! They could live beneath the sea! Brother, let us find them together! Proof the stories to be true!" Tears threatened to break from your face.

You knew how to break your brother, but as he grew older, it was becoming way harder. He didn't respond to your puppy eyes and begging. Instead he dragged you back to the village. You sighed loudly, he glared at you. Your brother was one of the strongest brutes you knew, yet somehow, with all that muscle, he had brain too, you blamed your mother for that, you were pretty equaled out, your mother's smarts, your father's stupidness, your mother's curiousity, your father's fear of many things. You watched the boat as it left your sight. Your brother throwing you over his shoulder. You remember when he'd read you the stories, you missed his softness, now he had to build him self a hard shell to keep that softness locked away, to become a leader.

"One day, you'll stop being an overprotective pain in the butt and let me go!" You kicked at him, others were allowed to leave the island, but your brother was a protective butt to you ever since your father was lost to attackers, your mother became the healer for the village. She seemed happy to do so, you were happy she kept herself going even in moments of sadness.

Your brother set you down infront of her, giving a look of anger to her, in a way to let her know you tried to leave once more. She sighed and looked to you with a glare of disappointment. You quickly looked away in shame. You felt horrible as usual, if you went out there, attackers might kill you. Sharks might attack your boat. The myths of sirens who'd drown you and eat you. So many things that gave your family reasons for you to stay. Your brother took your arm and dragged you to your hut, it was small and a perfect place for you, made of birch, insulated with wool. Kept the cold out and the heat in. You watched as he dropped you on your bed and left the hut. You growled, going to your shelves of books and pulling out your great grandfather's book, with drawing of toothless, you wanted to meet this dragon, if he was still alive.

As your eyes trailed off the words of which he wrote, you imagined yourself on the back of a dragon. To be more precise, on the back of a nightfury. You'd soar through the clouds, to the edge of the world, into this colorful hidden world. It was everything you could imagine, you believed this was real, not a dream. You met so many dragons, and freed them into the world for them to explore, next thing you knew, they were all being captured, taken, killed, everything was going wrong, that's when you awoke crying. Looking around, you let out a sigh of relief, putting the book away and sitting silently on your bed. Was this how it would end? They'd think it's safe but all be killed or captured? It was merely a nightmare.

It was now dark outside, most were asleep, being you, of course you'd sneak out. Into he darkness you went, towards the boat that sit at th docks. How taunting it was to go onto the boat, onto the waters, free across the sea. It was a dream come true, you untied the boat and hopped on, beginning to paddle the boat away, the midnight winds helping as you glided across the water, leaving your peaceful home behind you. Saying goodbye to Berk.

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