Fierce ocean

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You never knew the direction to where you fished to go, the waves were endless and harsh, a storm rising in the horizon, inwhich the wind was taking you. You wished you had more control of this boat, you wished your brother was here to help you. Hours later you met the storm. Fierce and powerful, it's tears rained down on your boat like meteorites falling from the sky. In fear you stayed hidden within a compartment of the boat, staying dry until water poked at your toes and began pooling. The boat was beginning to sink.

Immediately fear rose within you, you climbed out of the compartment and looked around. Your boat was going to sink, you had no way to stop it. You decided to grab everything you could use. Anything that floated, and did your best to steer clear of the storm, but to no avail, the boat couldn't escape. You screamed for help, but thunder make your scream sound less than a whisper. Crying you wished this was just a nightmare like the last. Holding your breath, you waited for the boat to sink. A gust of wind hit your sail and you began drifting quickly away from the storm, like an invisible force was pushing you. You held to the boat tightly. Before you knew it, the cold got to you. Your vision blurred and pain filled your frozen body. Your eyes then closed, you couldn't force them back open.

Finally you felt warm, that's what you began waking up to, a soft warmth. Opening your eyes, before you was a fire, around you was a ghost town. You jolted up to look around, having no idea where you were, until something's clicked. Berk, you were at Berk, the original Berk. Looking around, the houses were built like stacks, with many spots for dragons to land. In your eyes it looked crazy, your curiosity sparked and you looked around quickly. Wanting to see and find everything. Praying there would be dragons here. How'd you even get here? That question lingered in the back of your head. You ran around the village. You never realized or even thought about how you'd get home.

After you finished exploring. You'd noticed your stomach rumbling softly. Hunger, of course, the pain of living. You wandered around, looking for a place that may contain food. To no avail, there was nothing left here, nothing but birds, no animals even remained except for them, you had no weapons to hunt. You watched them pick at the grains of dirt, rocks, and other things on the ground, they were not finding food either. Sighing you walked around more "HELLO!!!" you yelled into the emptiness, nothing responded but the echo of your own voice. You began trembling, is this where you'd die? Where it all began? You knew you had to fight for your survival here. You searched the docks for boats, finding a small simple canoe, you wondered if this would work for you.

Deciding to hop in was your worst mistake, you immediately flopped out of the boat, swimming back to the doc was easy, but this boat wasn't going to be. You climbed onto the doc, sitting there and drying yourself off. Then you tried to enter the boat once more, finally successful. Though this canoe wouldn't do well on the ocean. Finding something else was probably going to be the better idea, but for now you paddled out, staying close to the island and going around it in hopes of finding a better boat.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2019 ⏰

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